History, Art and Architecture Collection
painting (portrait)
Study: The Right Honourable Kim Campbell

painting (portrait)
Study: The Right Honourable Kim Campbell

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Artists David Goatley (Oil And Water Studios) (Artist)
Date 2004
Signature Study David Goatley
Materials paint, oil
Support masonite
Personal Names A. Kim Campbell (House of Commons)
Dimensions (cm) 37.7 (Width)52.0 (Height)
Functions Art
Barcode 604512

David Goatley

David Goatley has completed more than 400 portrait commissions around the world, travelling to his subjects from his studio in Canada’s Pacific Northwest.

Goatley was born in England in 1954, and studied art at Camberwell College of Arts in London. He began his career in advertising, and succeeded in that industry for 16 years before the need for a different, more demanding creative outlet led him to portraiture. He relocated to British Columbia in 1992. He also paints murals and paintings inspired by his world travels.