Questions / Written Questions

Unsatisfactory answer

Debates p. 3518


Shortly after the House met, Mr. Fortin (Lotbinière) rose on a question of privilege to complain about the Government's insufficient response to his question on the Order Paper. The question related to the provisions of a specific section of the BNA Act and had been addressed to the Minister of Justice. The answer, given in October, was that the information was unavailable. Mr. Fortin, however, was determined to have the information, and proposed to move the adjournment of the House to force the Government to provide the requested information. The Speaker ruled immediately.


Can a Member insist upon a response from the Ministry through a question of privilege?


No. A Minister cannot be obliged to provide an answer to a question either through a question of privilege or otherwise.

Reasons given by the Speaker

"If, according to Standing Orders, a Member cannot insist byway of a question of privilege upon an answer, it is obvious that a question of privilege cannot be raised when an answer has been given, even if the ... Member is not satisfied with it." The motion to adjourn the House is supposedly under the provisions of Standing Order 26 for an emergency debate. However, such an application does not meet the conditions for urgency.

Sources cited

Standing Order 26.

Beauchesne, 4th ed., pp. 89-92, c. 100; pp. 153-4, c. 181(3).


Debates, October 21, 1968, p. 1577; December 5, 1968, pp. 3517-8.