Privilege / Reflections on a Member

Reflections on a Member

Debates p. 3220


At the beginning of the day's sitting, two Members raised questions of privilege relating to comments made about them by other Members. The first was that of Mr. Sauvé (Minister of Forestry and Rural Development) who charged that remarks he had made outside the House about economic development problems in Nova Scotia had been "misconstrued during Oral Questions" the day before. The second question of privilege was raised by Mr. Gregoire (Lapointe) on a statement made by Mr. Marchand (Minister of Manpower and Immigration) who was reported to have said that Mr. Gregoire "must" resign his seat and stand again since he had spoken out for the independence of Quebec. Neither Member proposed a motion based on his question of privilege. The Speaker ruled immediately.


Do comments by Members on the words or actions of other Members constitute a breach of privilege?


In both cases, there is not a question of privilege.

Reasons given by the Speaker

In the first case, there is obviously a divergence of opinion "and the matter should be allowed to rest there for the time being". With respect to the second case, the alleged comments made about Mr. Gregoire are not of a libellous nature and, therefore, there is no breach of privilege. The disagreement between the Minister and the Member is simply that.

Sources cited

Beauchesne, 4th ed., pp. 99-100, c. 110.


Debates, October 18, 1967, p. 3219.