Rules of Debate / Repetition

Supply day

Debates p. 6475


On an allotted day, Mr. Lewis (York South) proposed a motion condemning the Government's agricultural policies and recommending that the Government provide a payout to farmers of at least $100 million "without conditions and in addition to other farm assistance programs". Mr. Olson (Minister of Agriculture) subsequently raised a point of order to question whether this debate was, in fact, duplicating the substance of debates on Bill C-244, an Act respecting the stabilization of prairie grain sale proceeds ..., which also involved a payout to farmers of $100 million, and which was presently in committee. After hearing comments from Members, the Acting Speaker (Mr. Laniel) ruled.


Can debate on a motion be related to the substance of a bill already before the House or one of its committees?


No, but the restriction does not apply in this case. The motion is acceptable and debate can continue.

Reasons given by the Acting Speaker

"... it is not permissible to allow speeches in one debate to relate to another piece of legislation already before the House or a standing committee ... " However, the point of order should have been raised at the first opportunity. More important, the main point of the motion now under consideration is not directly related to the $100 million; "it is related to the situation facing the farmers of Canada". The Member's remarks are within the confines of this motion and do not impinge on the rule of the House or the contents of the bill.


Debates, June 8, 1971, pp. 6470-5.