Routine Proceedings / Introduction of Bills

Private Members' bills

Journals p. 38

Debates p. 138


As the House proceeded to the introduction of private Members' public bills for the first time in the session, the Speaker made a statement regarding the form of the approximately 100 private Members' public bills listed for introduction on the Order Paper.


Can private Members' public bills be introduced and given first reading before the Chair has had the opportunity to determine whether they are in proper form?


Yes, with the unanimous consent of the House and subject, as well, to a subsequent examination by the Chair of the procedural regularity of each bill before its second reading.

Reasons given by the Speaker

Since it would be exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, for the Chair to examine each bill at this time, it is suggested that the House follow the procedure agreed upon in each of the past four sessions: that by unanimous consent, all the bills be deemed introduced and given first reading, and then be examined by the Chair before second reading in order to determine whether they have defects concerning the practices and usages of the House.