Amendments to Motions on Progress of Bills / Third Reading

Recommittal; infringing on financial initiative of the Crown

Journals p. 580

Debates pp. 6145-6


During debate on the motion for third reading of Bill C-207, an Act respecting the organization of the Government of Canada..., Mr. Hales (Wellington) proposed that the bill be not now read a third time but be referred back to Committee of the Whole. The amendment also instructed the committee to consider specific recommendations and make appropriate financial arrangements for those it supports by requesting a Royal Recommendation. The Speaker expressed reservations about the acceptability of the amendment and, after several brief comments from Members, ruled.


Can an amendment seek to instruct a committee to consider specific changes to a bill and also recommend a request for a Royal Recommendation?


No. The proposed amendment is not acceptable.

Reasons given by the Speaker

If accepted, the amendment would clearly impose a charge on the treasury. "It is not a sufficient answer to the procedural objection to say that any money required to give effect to the amendment would be voted in due course by Parliament."