The Daily Program / Oral Questions

Question unrelated to ministerial activity

Debates, p. 2685


On January 26, 1987, during Oral Question Period, the Speaker interrupted Mr. Michael Cassidy (Ottawa Centre), who was questioning the Hon. Don Mazankowski (Deputy Prime Minister and President of the Privy Council) about the activities of a corporation.[1] The Speaker told Mr. Cassidy that he could not allow the question as framed, because it had no bearing on the Minister’s area of responsibility. He invited Mr. Cassidy to rephrase the question in light of these observations. His ruling is reproduced in full below.

Decision of the Chair

The Speaker: I must say to the honourable Member, with great regret, that that question clearly involves activities which are not related to any Minister of the Government or to the Prime Minister. It is outside the ambit of ministerial responsibility.

Under the circumstances, honourable Members have been asking for a public inquiry and I have allowed those questions. The Government has responded, as is recorded in Hansard. The question now being put is directed at some activity outside this place and outside the responsibility of a Minister.

The rules are quite clear. The Chair cannot allow the question. Perhaps the honourable Member could seek to find the information he wishes or seek to find the intentions of the Government by rephrasing the question, keeping in mind the admonishment of the Chair.




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[1] Debates, January 26, 1987, p. 2684.