Rules of Debate / Decorum

Member's attire: exception to usual practices with respect to an injury

Debates, pp. 10242-3


On April 5, 1990, Mr. Pierre Vincent (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Finance) rose to participate in debate while wearing a sweater because of a broken arm. The Speaker made the following remarks.


Mr. Speaker: Before the honourable Member begins his speech, I think it would be appropriate to explain why he is dressed that way.

I had already received letters from members of the public when I recognized an honourable Member on the other side some time ago who also had a damaged hand and was unable to put on a jacket properly.

I want it clearly understood that the honourable Member is being recognized not because he is deliberately not staying within the bounds of decorum in this House, but because he is an injured Member who, despite the injury, has managed to bring himself to do his duty to the House and to the country.


