Questions / Written Questions

Delay in obtaining reply

Debates p. 2444


During Routine Proceedings, Mr. Coates (Cumberland) raised for a second time a question of privilege concerning the Government's tardiness in replying to three of his questions standing on the Order Paper, claiming that the Government had had the opportunity to answer them. After hearing the views of Mr. McIlraith (Minister of Public Works), the Speaker gave his ruling.


Does an alleged delay in receiving an answer to a question on the Order Paper constitute a valid question of privilege?


No. This matter may be raised as a grievance, but not as a question of privilege.

Reasons given by the Speaker

This type of objection is better dealt with during Oral Questions, addressed directly to a Minister. ''A Minister may decline to answer a question without stating the reason for his refusal, and insistence on an answer is out of order, no debate being allowed. A refusal to answer cannot be raised as a question of privilege, nor is it regular to comment upon such refusal."

Sources cited

Beauchesne, 4th ed., pp. 153-4, c. 181(3).