Privilege / Deceiving the House

Deceiving the House

Debates p. 721


Rising on a question of privilege, Mr. Caouette (Charlevoix) objected to what he claimed were contradictory statements made by Mr. MacDonald (Minister of Veterans Affairs) in relation to the possible extension of the deadline applicable to the Veterans Land Act. The remarks cited by Mr. Caouette in his presentation were made by the Minister on various occasions in the House, before a committee and in a letter to him. By way of privilege, Mr. Caouette sought to learn from the Minister exactly what he intended to do on this issue.


Are the allegedly contradictory statements of a Minister sufficient cause to raise a question of privilege?


There is not a prima facie case of privilege.

Reasons given by the Speaker

"The Speaker has no other responsibility than determining whether there is a prima facie question of privilege which later on could be submitted to the House in the form of a motion." The present circumstances do not warrant a debate under the Standing Orders. The Member may have a grievance against the Minister, but there are more appropriate avenues of remedy available either in the House or in committee.

Sources cited

Standing Order 17.

Beauchesne, 4th ed., p. 102, c. 113.