Routine Proceedings / Motions

Adjournment motion; amendment

Journals p. 330

Debates pp 2363-4


During Routine Proceedings, Mr. MacEachen (Minister of National Health and Welfare) moved that the House adjourn for the summer immediately following the receipt of Royal Assent to supply bills "and to any other measures". Mr. Knowles (Winnipeg North Centre) subsequently proposed an amendment to the motion that added the words "including a measure respecting the pensions of retired civil servants". Mr. MacEachen objected that the proposed amendment was both beyond the scope of the motion and irrelevant. After hearing additional arguments on the point of order, the Speaker ruled.


Is the proposed amendment to the adjournment motion acceptable?


No, it is not acceptable as an amendment.

Reasons given by the Speaker

The amendment is a substantive proposition and raises a new question which requires notice. A more serious objection, although not raised in debate by Members, is that the amendment seeks to direct the Government to do something involving the expenditure of money; this cannot be done without a Royal Recommendation.

Sources cited

Beauchesne, 4th ed., p. 219, c. 260(1).


Debates, July 7, 1967, pp. 2358-64.