Amendments to Motions on Progress of Bills / Second Reading

Reference of subject-matter to several committees

Journals pp. 285-6

Debates p. 2786


During the debate on the motion for second reading of Bill C-207, an Act respecting the organization of the Government of Canada ..., Mr. McCleave (Halifax-East Hants) moved as an amendment that the bill be not now read a second time and that the subject-matter of various parts of the bill be referred to different committees. Both Mr. McCleave and the Speaker expressed doubts as to the acceptability of the amendment as drafted. Earlier that day the Speaker had ruled that Bill C-207 was one bill and could not be divided.


Is an amendment acceptable if it seeks to refer the subject-matter of parts of a bill to different committees?


No. The proposed amendment is not acceptable.

Reasons given by the Speaker

The amendment as presented "is largely a deviation . . . from the old-established form of amendment which provides that the subject-matter of a bill or a motion before the House be referred to a special committee or a standing committee". It "goes behind the bill and seeks to touch the different parts of the bill by way of an amendment which normally should not be put forward in this form".


Debates, January 26, 1971, pp. 2767-8; 2782-6.