Index of Proceedings

37th Parliament, 1st Session (January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002) Current Session

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Y | Z

Index complete to Meeting No. 68


A Common Vision see Children and Youth at Risk Sub-Committee; Status of Persons with Disabilities Sub-Committee
Aboriginal people see Child development
Accountability see Government programs and services
Adams, Peter (Lib.--Peterborough)(Chair)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 18:1113-20, 1140-1330
⇒⇒Child development, 20:1114-15, 1130-50
⇒⇒Disabled and handicapped persons, 20:1150-1200, 1215-20, 1230, 1245-1300
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 27:1131, 1140-1200, 1210-15, 1225-1310; 28:1110-30, 1140-50, 1200, 1210, 1220-1305
⇒⇒Employment Insurance 2000 Monitoring and Assessment Report, 19:1108, 1125-30, 1140-1235
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 02:1635, 1645-1800; 03:1132-40, 1150-1305; 04:1108-1255; 06:1115-1315; 13:1109-1300; 14:1518-30, 1540-1710; 15:1527-1636, 1646-50, 1700-40; 16:1824-1905
⇒⇒Future business, 17:1106-20
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 23:1112, 1130-45, 1155-1255; 25:1109-10, 1125-1200, 1210-40, 1250
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1120-1225
⇒⇒Training and apprenticeship programs, 29:1120-45, 1155-1300
Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee
⇒⇒Reports, Third, study, 32:1107
Agócs, Carole (University of Western Ontario)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 46:1155-1200, 1220-25, 1240, 1250, 1300
Anstey, Reg (Fish, Food and Allied Workers Union)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 09:1530-40, 1605, 1615-25, 1635-40, 1650-55, 1705, 1715-20
Anthony, Jennifer (Canadian Federation of Students)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 36:1130-35, 1145, 1155, 1210, 1230, 1240-45
Apprenticeship see Training and apprenticeship programs
Arbuckle, Liam (Canadian Alliance of Student Associations)
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 28:1110, 1130-40, 1225, 1240-45; 67:1115, 1215, 1230
Armit, Amelita (Public Service Commission of Canada)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 45:1150-55
Arsenault, Jeannette (Greater Summerside Chamber of Commerce)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 13:1145-50, 1255
Asselin, Gérard (BQ--Charlevoix)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 13:1125, 1215, 1245
Audas, Professor Rick (Individual Presentation; University of New Brunswick)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 05:1535-40, 1605-10, 1620-30, 1650-1700, 1710-15
Auffrey, Lucille (Canadian Nurses Association)
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 28:1110, 1150-1200, 1255-1300


Bach, Michael (Canadian Association for Community Living)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 58:1246-55, 1325, 1335-40
Balych-Cooper, Lesya (Canadian Bankers Association)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 56:1125-35, 1150, 1200-10, 1225-30
Barbour, Dale (Human Resources Development Department)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 36:1110, 1140-45, 1205
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 67:1140-50, 1200-05, 1220
Beachell, Laurie (Council of Canadians with Disabilities)
⇒⇒Disabled and handicapped persons, 20:1200-05, 1215
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 58:1255-1300, 1325, 1340, 1350
Belisle, Danielle (Clerk of the Committee)
⇒⇒Chair, election, 31:1103-05
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 45:1120; 55:1120
⇒⇒Future business, 17:1115
Bélisle, François (Canadian Paraplegic Association)
⇒⇒Disabled and handicapped persons, 20:1220-30
Beliveau, Michael (Maritime Fishermen's Union)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 10:1800-05, 1825, 1835-50, 1905
Bellemare, Eugène (Lib.--Ottawa--Orléans; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister for International Cooperation until Sept. 12, 2001)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 32:1110
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 36:1140-45
⇒⇒Chair, election, 31:1103
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 42:1135-40; 45:1210-20, 1255; 47:1155-1200, 1235, 1245-50; 48:1230-35; 49:1215, 1225, 1335, 1345; 50:1145-55, 1255-1300, 1335; 51:1215-20, 1245-55; 52:1150-55
⇒⇒Government programs and services, 37:1200-05
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 34:1210-15, 1255
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 35:1125-30, 1240-45
Bennett, Carolyn (Lib.--St. Paul's)
⇒⇒Disabled and handicapped persons, 20:1150-1200, 1230-55
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 28:1300
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 54:1105-10, 1130; 58:1230-35
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 06:1115-20
⇒⇒Future business, 38:1113-20, 1130
⇒⇒Government programs and services, 37:1110-1230, 1240-45
Benson, Phil (Sheet Metal Workers' International Association; Canadian Office, Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 10:1825-30, 1850-1905
Bérubé, Michel (Comité de concertation régionale de l'assurance-emploi (Baie-Comeau, Rivière-St-François))
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 11:1130-35, 1225-30
Best, Robert (Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 18:1140, 1310, 1320
Biggs, Margaret (Human Resources Development Department)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 18:1120-25
Bigsby, Elisabetta (Canadian Bankers Association)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 56:1105-10, 1130, 1140, 1150-55, 1210, 1220-25
Bills referred
⇒⇒C-2.\Employment Insurance Act and the Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)--Minister of Human Resources Development (Stewart)
Bilodeau, Alain (Mouvement Action-Chômage du Lac-Saint-Jean; Centre populaire de Roberval)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 12:1530, 1540, 1550-1640
Birch, Gary (Neil Squire Foundation)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 58:1315-20, 1330, 1340, 1355
Bishop, Joan (Canadian Human Rights Commission)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 43:1220-25, 1235; 47:1210-15, 1225
Black, William (University of British Columbia)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 46:1200-10, 1220-40, 1250-1300
Blakely, Robert (Building and Construction Trades Department)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 03:1140-55, 1205, 1220, 1235-1300
⇒⇒Training and apprenticeship programs, 29:1120-30, 1205-20, 1230, 1250, 1300
Blanchard, Gerry J. (Human Resources Development Department)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 42:1105, 1115, 1200, 1225-30; 44:1205-15, 1230-35
Blondin-Andrew, Hon. Ethel (Lib.--Western Arctic; Secretary of State (Children and Youth))
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 25:1125, 1140, 1210-15, 1235; 64:1120-25, 1205-10, 1240
Boivin, Claude Paul (National Professional Association Coalition on Tuition)
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 28:1110, 1220-25, 1300
Borgal, Philippa (Canadian Conference of the Arts)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 10:1749-55, 1830-35, 1900-10, 1920
Bouchard, Réal (Finance Department)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance 2000 Monitoring and Assessment Report, 19:1120-25, 1210, 1220-30
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 35:1200, 1250-1300
Boucher, Shirley (Federal Employers in Transportation and Communications)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 56:1130, 1140, 1210-15, 1230
Bourassa, Luc (Mouvement Action-Chômage de Trois-Rivières)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 11:1155-1205, 1225
Bourgeois, Diane (BQ--Terrebonne--Blainville)
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 67:1150-1200, 1210-15
Boyko, Ian (Canadian Federation of Students)
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 28:1110, 1130, 1230, 1250; 67:1130, 1155, 1220-25
Boyles, Terry-Anne (Association of Canadian Community Colleges)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 18:1140-45, 1240, 1250, 1320
Bradshaw, Hon. Claudette (Lib.--Moncton--Riverview--Dieppe; Minister of Labour; Minister of Labour and Secretary of State (Multiculturalism)(Status of Women) as of January 15, 2002; Minister of Labour as of May 26, 2002)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 44:1107-40
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 23:1112-1250; 40:1108-1200; 63:1205-45, 1255-1335
Braiter, Hy (Human Resources Development Department)
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 25:1150
Brown, Robert (Sheet Metal Workers' International Association)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 10:1805-10, 1840-45, 1905, 1915
Brzustowski, Thomas A. (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC))
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 27:1145-55
Buckell, Madeleine (Assembly of First Nations)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 13:1235, 1245
Budgell, Wayne (Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada; Local 60-N from Newfoundland)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 09:1600, 1655, 1710-15
Burkholder, Paul (Canada Customs and Revenue Agency)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 54:1110-15, 1130-35, 1145-50, 1205-15, 1225-40


Calder, Murray (Lib.--Dufferin--Peel--Wellington--Grey)
⇒⇒Chair, election, 31:1105
Calhoun, Rolf (Canada's Association for the Fifty-Plus)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 51:1250
Camire, Viateur (National Institute of Disability Management and Research)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 58:1305-10, 1345
Campbell, Terry (Canadian Bankers Association)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 56:1130, 1140, 1150
Canada Student Loans Program
⇒⇒Current situation and future possibilities, study, 18:1113
⇒⇒Direct Delivery Model, study, 36:1103
Cappon, Paul (Council of Ministers of Education (Canada))
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 27:1155-1200
Carbonneau, Claudette (Regroupement pour une caisse d'assurance parentale québécoise; Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN))
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 49:1230, 1305-20, 1330-50
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 13:1150-55, 1205, 1220-30, 1255
Carnegie-Douglas, Sandra (National Action Committee on the Status of Women)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 52:1120-30, 1145, 1200-05, 1215-25
Castonguay, Jeannot (Lib.--Madawaska--Restigouche; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Health as of September 13, 2001)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 18:1210, 1255-1300
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 02:1710; 04:1235-40; 05:1645-50; 06:1240-45, 1315; 07:1050-55, 1150; 08:1645-55; 09:1640; 10:1845-50; 12:1600-05, 1630-35; 13:1215-20; 14:1615; 15:1630, 1705; 16:1850
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 25:1210-15
⇒⇒Orgnization meeting, 01:1215
Céré, Pierre (Mouvement autonome et solidaire des sans-emploi (réseau québécois)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 14:1540-50
⇒⇒Election, deliberations, 01:1112; 31:1103
Chartrand, David (Manitoba Métis Federation)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 55:1230, 1245, 1255-1315
Chénier-Cullen, Nicole (Canadian Human Rights Commission)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 43:1130-1245; 47:1110-1230
Chiasson, Léopold (Association des municipalités francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 13:1200, 1220
Child development
⇒⇒Aboriginal children, Children and Youth at Risk Sub-Committee workplan, 38:1120-25
⇒⇒Children and Youth at Risk Sub-Committee workplan, study, 20:1114-50
Children and Youth at Risk Sub-Committee
⇒⇒Report, "A Common Vision", in camera meeting, No. 30
⇒⇒Report, "Building on Success", in camera meeting, No. 68
⇒⇒Workplan, 38:1120-30
⇒⇒See also Child development
Choinière, Réjeanne (Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN))
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 06:1215, 1235-40
Clarke, Rick (Nova Scotia Federation of Labour)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 11:1145-55, 1215-20
Clavette, Maurice (New Brunswick Federation of Labour)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 07:1025, 1050-55, 1135, 1220, 1230-35
Coffey, Christine (Canada Customs and Revenue Agency)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 54:1235-40
Cogliati, David (Human Resources Development Department)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 36:1103-10, 1135-40, 1150-1225, 1235-45
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 67:1105-10, 1135, 1145-1220, 1230
Comartin, Joe (NDP--Windsor--St. Clair)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 12:1555-1600, 1635-40
Conlon, Michael (Canadian Federation of Students)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 18:1205-10, 1230-40, 1255, 1330
Conrod, Bill (Association of Canadian Community Colleges)
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 28:1110-20, 1245, 1300-05
Corbett, William (Clerk of the House of Commons)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 57:1110-45
Cormier, Ron (Maritime Fishermen's Union)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 10:1920-25
Courtney, Elaine (Canada Customs and Revenue Agency)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 54:1205, 1230, 1240
Courtney, Joe (Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE))
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 10:1810-20, 1830-35, 1850-1900, 1910
Cousineau, Gaétan (Coalition Gaspésie/Les Îles, Matapédia, Matane; Movement Action-Chômage)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 14:1520-25, 1600-35, 1645-1705
Crête, Paul (BQ--Kamouraska--Rivière-du-Loup--Témiscouata--Les Basques)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 32:1110, 1125-30
⇒⇒Chair, election, 31:1105
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 27:1240-45; 28:1240-45
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 45:1105; 47:1230, 1245-55; 53:1250-55; 61:1140-50, 1225
⇒⇒Employment Insurance 2000 Monitoring and Assessment Report, 19:1140-45, 1225-30
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 02:1635, 1700-05; 03:1132, 1200-05, 1305; 04:1145-55, 1220, 1255; 05:1605-10; 06:1200-05, 1300-10; 13:1110, 1210, 1300; 14:1540-45, 1605-10, 1700, 1710; 15:1550-55, 1710-20; 16:1824-45, 1855-1905
⇒⇒Future business, 17:1110-15
⇒⇒Government programs and services, 37:1220-30
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 25:1140-45, 1220-30, 1250; 35:1130-35, 1210, 1230-35, 1250-55; 40:1200; 64:1145-50, 1230-35
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1140-1200, 1215-25
Crevier, Jean-Marc (Syndicat national des employé(es) de l'aluminium d'Arvida)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 11:1300-10, 1325-30
Crockett, John (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 48:1105-10, 1205-10
Cutler, Fran (Canadian National Institute for the Blind)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 58:1140, 1200


Da Pont, George (Fisheries and Oceans Department)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 54:1115-40, 1150-1200, 1210, 1220-30, 1240
Dauphinee, Mary Margaret (Queen's University)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 46:1210, 1220-25, 1240-1300
Davenport, Paul (University of Western Ontario)
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 27:1140-45, 1230-35, 1245, 1255-1310
Davies, Libby (NDP--Vancouver East)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 32:1110, 1120-30
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 18:1120, 1210, 1220-25, 1250-55, 1330; 36:1155-1200, 1230-40
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 44:1135, 1205-10; 45:1120, 1205, 1250-55; 46:1235-40, 1300; 47:1210-20, 1240; 48:1225-30, 1255; 54:1130, 1155-1205, 1235-45; 56:1125, 1235; 57:1135-40, 1210-15; 59:1115-20, 1240-50, 1305, 1340-45; 61:1155-1205
⇒⇒Future business, 38:1120
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 33:1205-10
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 23:1155-1200, 1230-35; 40:1135-40
DeJong, Don (Human Resources Development Department)
⇒⇒Training and apprenticeship programs, 29:1120, 1140, 1210, 1220-25, 1250
Demas, Doreen (Disabled Womens' Network of Canada)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 50:1110-15, 1130-1200, 1215
Desautels, L. Denis (Auditor General of Canada of Canada Office)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 15:1530-1635
Desroches, Luc (House of Commons)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 57:1130-35
Dhaliwal, Raj (Canadian Auto Workers Union)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 49:1255-1300, 1325-35, 1345-50
Di Giovanni, Jérôme (Comité d'adaptation de la main d'oeuvre pour personnes handicapées)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 59:1145, 1215-25, 1235, 1245, 1255
Diop, Mamadou (Comité d'adaptation de la main-d'oeuvre pour personnes immigrantes)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 59:1200-05, 1225, 1255
Disability tax credit
⇒⇒Application process, Status of Personw with Disabilities Sub-Committee workplan, 38:1113-20
Disabled and handicapped persons
⇒⇒Integration and equality initiatives, Status of Persons with Disabilities Sub-Committee workplan, study, 20:1150-1300
Divisions, recorded
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, invitation, Chief Actuary for the Employment Insurance Plan, M.(Crête), negatived, 47:1255
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Regulations, hearings on proposed amendments to section 56, M.(Crête), negatived, in camera meeting, No. 60
Doherty Delorme, Denise (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives)
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 27:1131-40, 1240-45, 1300
Doucet, Blair (New Brunswick Federation of Labour)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 07:1020-25, 1130-35, 1145-50, 1225
Doyle, Norman (PC--St. John's East; PC/DR Coalition--St. John's East as of September 13, 2001; PC--St. John's East as of April 10, 2002)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 53:1240-45
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 40:1150
Drisdelle, Ronald (Conseil économique du Nouveau-Brunswick)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 15:1646-50, 1725-30
Dupuis, Jocelyn (Conseil conjoint de la FTQ-Construction et du CPQMC)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 07:1010-15, 1125-30, 1210-25


Easton, William A. (Canadian Medical Association)
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 28:1110, 1145-50, 1300-05
Edmondson, Warren (Human Resources Development Department)
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 23:1140, 1220 ; 63:1310
Education, post-secondary
⇒⇒Access, financing and mobility
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, No. 30
⇒⇒⇒Study, 27:1131; 28:1110
⇒⇒Update, administrative arrangements, 67:1105
⇒⇒See also Canada Student Loans Program; Training and apprenticeship programs
Elley, Reed (CA--Nanaimo--Cowichan)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 57:1120, 1155-1200, 1240-45; 58:1140-45, 1325; 59:1050
Employment Equity Act
⇒⇒Report to the House, in camera meeting, No. 68
⇒⇒Review, study, 42:1104; 43:1130; 44:1107; 45:1105; 46:1155; 47:1110; 48:1105; 49:1105; 50:1110; 51:1145; 52:1110; 53:1115; 54:1105; 55:1105; 56:1105; 57:1110; 58:1110; 59:1035; 60:1115; 61:1105
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, No. 60, 62, 65, 66
Employment insurance
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Regulations, hearings on proposed amendments to section 56, M.(Crête), negatived, on recorded division, in camera meeting, No. 60
⇒⇒Entrants/re-entrants to labour force, exemptions see Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2)
⇒⇒Maximum yearly insurable earnings, calculation see Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2)
⇒⇒Premium rate see Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2)
⇒⇒Reform, draft report, in camera meetings, No. 21, No. 22, No. 26
⇒⇒Repayment of benefits see Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2)
⇒⇒Weekly benefits rate, reduction see Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2)
Employment Insurance 2000 Monitoring and Assessment Report
⇒⇒Study, 19:1108
Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2)--Stewart
⇒⇒Study, 02:1635; 03:1132; 04:1108; 05:1526; 06:1115; 07:1009; 08:1526; 09:1529; 10:1749; 11:1128; 12:1521; 13:1109; 14:1518; 15:1527; 16:1824
Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations
⇒⇒Legislation see Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2)
Ewanovich, Jim (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 57:1225-30, 1245, 1300-05
Eyking, Mark (Lib.--Sydney--Victoria)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 04:1215, 1235


Farrah, Georges (Lib.--Bonaventure--Gaspé--Îles-de-la-Madeleine--Pabok; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Fisheries and Oceans as of September 13, 2001)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 02:1725-30; 03:1225-30; 06:1155-1200; 08:1635-40; 10:1920-25; 11:1200-05, 1315-20; 14:1545, 1625-30, 1700-05; 15:1625; 16:1840-45
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1140, 1150
Ferguson, Sandra (EDULINX Canada Corporation)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 36:1115-20, 1215, 1230, 1245
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 67:1130, 1200, 1225
Finnie, Ross (Individual Presentation; Queen's University)
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 27:1200-10, 1225-35, 1250, 1300, 1310
Fishing industry see Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2)
Fitzpatrick, Brian (CA--Prince Albert)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 55:1200
Folco, Raymonde (Lib.--Laval West; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Human Resources Development) (Acting Chair)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 32:1107-10, 1120
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 18:1210, 1230; 36:1200-15
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 27:1230-40; 28:1230-40
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 42:1120-30, 1145, 1205-10, 1225-30; 43:1210-15, 1240-45; 45:1125, 1230-35; 46:1230-35; 48:1205-10; 49:1150; 50:1205; 51:1210, 1255-1300; 52:1225-35; 53:1225-30, 1250-55; 54:1220-25; 57:1315-20; 58:1225-30, 1350-55; 59:1110, 1230; 61:1205
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 02:1715-20; 03:1205-10, 1300; 04:1140-45; 05:1610-15; 06:1115, 1250, 1310; 08:1620; 09:1610-15, 1710-15; 10:1830-40; 15:1605-10; 16:1830-45, 1900
⇒⇒Government programs and services, 37:1135-45, 1210, 1235-45
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 33:1140-45; 34:1105, 1130-40
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 35:1210-15; 63:1235, 1325; 64:1150-55
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1112, 1220
⇒⇒Training and apprenticeship programs, 29:1245-50
Fortin, Professor Pierre (Individual Presentation; Université du Québec (Montréal))
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 05:1540-55, 1615, 1640, 1650-55, 1705, 1715
Fournier, Gilles (Tables régionales de concertation des aînés du Québec)
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 33:1115-25, 1135, 1145-1200, 1225
Frankham, David (BDP Business Data Service Ltd.)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 36:1110-15, 1215-30
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 67:1110, 1230
Frawley-Henry, Marie (Assembly of First Nations)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 55:1105-1200
Fugère, Judith (LASTUSE du Saguenay)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 14:1530-40, 1605
Furrie, Adèle (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 61:1110-20, 1135, 1145-55, 1225
Future business
⇒⇒Deliberations, 17:1106; 38:1113
⇒⇒In camera meeting, No. 24, No. 47, No. 62


Gagnon, Christiane (BQ--Québec)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 08:1615, 1655
Gagnon, John (Front commun pour la justice sociale, Section de la Péninsule acadienne)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 11:1241-50, 1310, 1335-45
Gagnon, Marcel (BQ--Champlain)
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 33:1145-50, 1225, 1240; 34:1105, 1135-45, 1225-30
Gagnon, Normand (Coalition sur l'assurance- chômage du Bas-Saint-Laurent)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 13:1135-40, 1200-10, 1225, 1250
Garon, Jacques (Conseil du patronat du Québec)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 06:1155-1210, 1225, 1250
Gavigan, Neil (Human Resources Development Department)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 42:1105-1225; 44:1130-1200, 1215-35
Gendron, Hélène (Federal Employers in Transportation and Communications)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 56:1115-20, 1135, 1145-55, 1205, 1220-30
Gilbert, Vital (Regroupement des chômeurs et chômeuses de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 14:1545-1605, 1615, 1635-50, 1705
Gill, Baljinder (National Association of Canadians of Origins in India)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 53:1143, 1230, 1240-45
Girard-Bujold, Jocelyne (BQ--Jonquière)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 11:1325-30; 12:1625-30
Girard, Myriam (Canadian National Institute for the Blind)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 58:1130-40, 1150, 1200, 1230
Giroux, Robert (Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada)
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 28:1110, 1120-25, 1235, 1255, 1305
Gleberzon, Bill (Canada's Association for the Fifty-Plus)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 51:1228-1300
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 33:1125-1205, 1215-20
Godfrey, John (Lib.--Don Valley West)
⇒⇒Child development, 20:1115-50
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 28:1255
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 05:1625-30; 06:1120
⇒⇒Future business, 38:1120-30
Godin, Gastien (Snow Crab Industry Solidarity Fund)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 08:1555-1605, 1630-35, 1645-1700
Godin, Yvon (NDP--Acadie--Bathurst)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance 2000 Monitoring and Assessment Report, 19:1150-1200, 1230
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 02:1710-15, 1750-55; 03:1200, 1210-15, 1245-50, 1305; 04:1200-05, 1230-35; 05:1615-25, 1655-1700; 06:1215-20, 1245-50, 1315; 07:1117-25, 1210; 08:1625-30, 1705-10; 09:1529-30, 1630-35, 1710; 10:1840-45; 11:1220-25, 1335-40; 13:1110-15, 1220-25, 1250-1300; 14:1615-20, 1650-55; 15:1605, 1720-25; 16:1825-40, 1855
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 35:1145-55, 1240, 1300
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1140, 1155, 1205, 1220-25
⇒⇒Training and apprenticeship programs, 29:1225-35, 1300
Goldring, Peter (CA--Edmonton Centre-East)
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 23:1205-15, 1240-45; 63:1250, 1330
Gordon, Robyn (Software Human Resources Council (Canada) Inc.)
⇒⇒Training and apprenticeship programs, 29:1120, 1140-45, 1205-15, 1225, 1235, 1300
Gouk, Jim (CA--Kootenay--Boundary--Okanagan)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 10:1815-25; 16:1900
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 40:1120-25
Government programs and services
⇒⇒Evaluation, "Measuring Quality of Life Use of Societal Outcomes by Parliamentarians" report, study, 37:1103
Goyette, Richard (Conseil conjoint de la FTQ-Construction et du CPQMC)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 07:1015, 1120-25, 1150-55, 1225-30
Gray, Kathy (University of Saskatchewan)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 51:1145-1220
Green, Joanne (Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 55:1210-15, 1225-30, 1250-55, 1305-15
Greenman, Gary (Alliance of Sector Councils)
⇒⇒Training and apprenticeship programs, 29:1120, 1145-55, 1240
Grenier, Gilles (Syndicat national des employés(es) de l'aluminium d'Arvida)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 11:1315-20, 1340-45
Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)
⇒⇒Action Plan (Bloc Québécois), M.(Crête), negatived, 53:1300
⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, No. 39; No. 41
⇒⇒⇒Study, 33:1106; 34:1103
Guay, Monique (BQ--Laurentides)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 32:1110
⇒⇒Child development, 20:1135
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 42:1130-35, 1210-15, 1230; 43:1200-10; 44:1125-30, 1200-05; 45:1125, 1145-55, 1245-50; 46:1215-20, 1300; 47:1200-05, 1240; 48:1105, 1215, 1245; 49:1140, 1230, 1315-20; 50:1140, 1215, 1300-05, 1330-35; 51:1155-1200; 52:1145, 1210; 53:1230-35, 1250; 54:1110, 1130, 1140-45, 1225-30, 1245; 55:1105, 1135-45, 1205, 1240-45, 1310-15; 56:1145-50, 1220-25; 57:1125-30, 1200-05, 1250-1305; 58:1155, 1345; 59:1100-05, 1135, 1220, 1250, 1305, 1325-30
⇒⇒Employment Insurance 2000 Monitoring and Assessment Report, 19:1220-25
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 02:1740-45; 03:1240; 05:1640-45; 06:1235-40; 07:1055-1100, 1155-1205; 08:1610-15; 09:1615-20, 1700; 10:1830, 1905; 11:1325; 12:1550-55; 15:1625-30
⇒⇒Future business, 38:1125
⇒⇒Government programs and services, 37:1145-55
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 23:1140-45, 1225-30; 35:1205-10; 40:1130-35; 63:1240-45, 1315
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1145-50, 1205-15
⇒⇒Training and apprenticeship programs, 29:1120, 1215-20, 1250-55


Hamalian, Arpi (Fédération québécoise des professeures et professeurs d'université)
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 28:1110, 1200-10, 1230, 1240
Hara, Dan (Hara Associates Inc.)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 48:1140-45, 1201-05, 1215-30, 1240-45, 1255
Hayes, Kevin (Canadian Labour Congress (CLC))
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 06:1225
Hubbard, Charles (Lib.--Miramichi)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 14:1705
Hughes Anthony, Nancy (Canadian Chamber of Commerce)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 03:1135-40, 1150-1230
Human Resources Development Department
⇒⇒Estimates, 2001-2002, Main and Report on Plans and Priorities, study, 23:1112; 25:1109
⇒⇒Estimates, 2002-2003, Main, study, 63:1205; 64:1110
⇒⇒Invitation, Chief Actuary for the Employment Insurance Plan, M.(Crête), negatived, on recorded division, 47:1255
⇒⇒Labour program, mandate, management and operation, study, 40:1108
⇒⇒Mandate, management and operations, study, 35:1103
Hyppolite, Keder (National Council of Cittizens of Haitian)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 53:1143, 1210, 1220-25, 1235-45


Ianno, Tony (Lib.--Trinity--Spadina)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 32:1110


Jalbert, Alain (Coalition chômage, Manicouagan Section)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 11:1205-10, 1225
Jalbert, Jean-Claude (Canadian Association for Community Living)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 58:1246, 1335
Jean-Gilles, Joseph (National Council of Citizens of Haitian Origin)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 53:1210-15, 1230, 1240
Jensen, Phil (Human Resources Development Department)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 59:1035-1135
Johnston, Dale (CA--Wetaskiwin)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 32:1115-25
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 36:1135-40
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 42:1115-20, 1155-1200, 1215; 43:1140-50, 1230-35; 44:1120, 1230; 45:1130-40; 47:1110, 1220-25, 1240; 48:1201-05, 1230; 49:1125-30, 1230, 1345; 50:1130-35, 1250-55, 1340; 51:1210-15, 1240-45; 52:1135, 1220-25; 54:1130-35, 1215-20, 1230-50; 56:1200, 1225-30
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 03:1150-55, 1230-35
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 23:1130-35, 1220
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1112, 1125, 1140-45, 1200


Kelm, Walter (Canada's Association for the Fifty-Plus)
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 33:1130, 1140-45, 1210-40
Kinnear, Dale (Canadian Police Association)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 57:1235-40, 1300-10, 1320
Kissel, Mark (Canadian Alliance of Student Associations)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 18:1155, 1325
Kitchin, Paul (National Association of Career Colleges)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 18:1200, 1215, 1325


Labine, Johanne (Public Service Alliance of Canada)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 49:1115-20, 1130, 1145, 1155-1200, 1210-20, 1230
Laborero, Crystal (Manitoba Women's Advisory Council)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 50:1240-50, 1300, 1310-15, 1325, 1335-40
Lagacé, Alain (Coalition sur l'assurance- emploi du Bas-Saint-Laurent)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 13:1200-10, 1235, 1255
Lahey, James (Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 45:1105-15, 1125, 1140-50, 1200, 1230-40, 1250-55
Lalonde, Paul (Canadian Chamber of Commerce)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 03:1210, 1235-1305
Lamontagne, Manon (Femmes Autochtones du Québec)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 50:1120-25, 1135-40, 1155-1215
Lancastle, Keith (Canadian Apprenticeship Forum)
⇒⇒Training and apprenticeship programs, 29:1120, 1130-35, 1225
Lanctôt, Robert (BQ--Châteauguay)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 18:1210, 1235-40, 1310-15; 36:1145-50, 1220-25
⇒⇒Disabled and handicapped persons, 20:1155-1200, 1250
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 25:1200-05, 1240-45
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1125
Lapré, Karine (Mouvement Action-Chômage du Lac-Saint-Jean; L'Encrier d'Alma)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 12:1530-35, 1600, 1625
Lebrun, Yvan (Regroupement des exclus de l'été 2000)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 14:1525-30, 1555-1600, 1620-30, 1700
Lenihan, Donald G. (Centre for Collaborative Government)
⇒⇒Government programs and services, 37:1105-10, 1130-35, 1155, 1215, 1230
Leslie, Kim (Women in Trades and Technology National Network)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 59:1255
Lévesque, Bruno (Comité de chômeurs du Saguenay--Lac-St-Jean)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 12:1521, 1600, 1615-20
Lewis, Gloria (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 33:1115, 1135
Lill, Wendy (NDP--Dartmouth)
⇒⇒Child development, 20:1140
⇒⇒Disabled and handicapped persons, 20:1155
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 10:1915-20
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 64:1200
Loggan, Bruce (United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union--West Coast)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 09:1540-45, 1605, 1625-35, 1720
Longfield, Judi (Lib.--Whitby--Ajax; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Labour until August 31, 2001) (Chair)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 32:1107-30
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 36:1103, 1110-1200, 1210-45
⇒⇒Chair, election, 31:1105
⇒⇒Child development, 20:1150
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 67:1105-20, 1130-40, 1150-1230
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 42:1104-05, 1115-1230; 43:1130-40, 1150-1200, 1210-15, 1225-45; 44:1107, 1120-1235; 45:1105, 1115-30, 1140-45, 1155-1220, 1230-35, 1245-55; 46:1155-1200, 1210-15, 1225-45, 1255-1305; 47:1110, 1150-1255; 49:1105-15, 1125-1215, 1225-30, 1255-1305, 1315-20, 1330-35, 1345-50; 50:1110-20, 1130-45, 1155-1205, 1215-20, 1234, 1240-1315, 1325-40; 52:1110, 1120, 1130-1235; 53:1143, 1220-1300; 54:1105-15, 1125-30, 1140, 1150-55, 1205, 1215-50; 55:1105, 1120, 1130-35, 1145-50, 1200-05, 1220-25, 1240, 1250-1320; 56:1105, 1115, 1125-35, 1145-50; 57:1110, 1120-45, 1155-1215, 1225, 1235-50, 1300, 1315-25; 58:1110-15, 1125-30, 1140-1205, 1215-35, 1246, 1255, 1305, 1315, 1325-40, 1350-1400; 59:1035, 1045-1100, 1110-20, 1130-35, 1145, 1155-1200, 1210-30, 1240-1305, 1315, 1325-40, 1350; 61:1105-10, 1125, 1135-40, 1150-55, 1205-30
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 02:1735-40; 03:1300-05; 04:1250; 07:1100-05, 1117, 1215-20; 09:1650-55; 16:1825
⇒⇒Future business, 17:1115; 38:1113, 1120-30
⇒⇒Government programs and services, 37:1103-10, 1120-35, 1145, 1155-1205, 1215-20, 1230-35, 1245-50
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 33:1106, 1115, 1125-1240
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 23:1215-20; 25:1235-40; 35:1103, 1115, 1125-35, 1145-1300; 40:1108, 1120-35, 1145-1200; 63:1205, 1225-1305, 1315-35; 64:1110, 1120-25, 1135, 1145-50, 1200-05, 1215-20, 1230-35, 1245
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1125-1200, 1225
Loney, Martin (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 48:1110-15, 1205, 1225-40
Lumsden, J.T.S. (Tom) (Financial Arrangements Working Group; Royal Bank Financial Group)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 18:1155-1200, 1230, 1305, 1325


MacDonald, David (Human Resources Development Department)
⇒⇒Training and apprenticeship programs, 29:1120, 1140, 1205-10, 1255
MacDonald, Felix (Prince Edward Island Federation of Labour)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 07:1035-45, 1100-05, 1140, 1205, 1230
MacDonald, John (Greater Summerside Chamber of Commerce)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 13:1205, 1240
Magon, Harminder Singh (Canadian Union of Public Employees)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 49:1110, 1145, 1215
Mahoney, Steve (Lib.--Mississauga West; Parliamentary Secretary to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Crown Corporations as of April 8, 2002; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Transport (Crown Corporations) as of August 7, 2002)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 03:1145, 1235
Malhi, Gurbax (Lib.--Bramalea--Gore--Malton--Springdale; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Labour as of September 13, 2001)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 32:1115
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 44:1130, 1225-30; 45:1140-45; 46:1255; 47:1225-30; 48:1220-25; 49:1130-35; 50:1135-40, 1325-30; 51:1200; 52:1205; 53:1235-40; 54:1205-10; 56:1150-55; 57:1205-10; 58:1215-20; 59:1055-1100; 61:1140
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 33:1220; 34:1220-25
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 35:1200-05; 40:1135; 63:1255-1300
Malkowski, Gary (Canadian Hearing Society (Interpretation))
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 58:1115-20, 1155, 1205-10, 1220-35
Marais, Irène (Family Business Network)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 08:1545-55, 1610-15, 1640-45, 1655, 1705-10
Marcil, Serge (Lib.--Beauharnois--Salaberry; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Industry as of February 21, 2002)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 47:1240, 1255; 49:1305-15
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 35:1235, 1255; 40:1145-50
Martin, Pat (NDP--Winnipeg Centre)
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 27:1255-1305
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 49:1215-20, 1330-35; 55:1250-55
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 05:1710-15
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 33:1155-1200, 1235-40
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 63:1320-25
Martineau, Roger (Syndicat national des employés(es) de l'aluminium d'Arvida)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 11:1305-15, 1345
Matte, Michel (Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 07:1045-50
Mayne, John (Auditor General of Canada Office)
⇒⇒Government programs and services, 37:1120-30, 1155, 1215, 1230-45
McCormick, Larry (Lib.--Hastings--Frontenac--Lennox and Addington; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food)
⇒⇒Future business, 38:1125-30
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1112-20
McDonough, Alexa (NDP--Halifax)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 49:1155, 1230
McFee, Gordon W. (Human Resources Development Department)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance 2000 Monitoring and Assessment Report, 19:1120, 1135, 1150, 1200, 1235
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 02:1655; 16:1850-1900
McGuire, Joe (Lib.--Egmont)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 32:1110
⇒⇒Child development, 20:1140
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 67:1200-05, 1215-20
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 42:1215; 43:1215, 1225-30; 44:1155-1200; 49:1320-25; 51:1245; 54:1150-55; 55:1145-50, 1200, 1255-1305; 57:1140-45
⇒⇒Employment Insurance 2000 Monitoring and Assessment Report, 19:1130-35, 1230-35
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 02:1655; 03:1155-1200; 05:1555-1605, 1710; 06:1205-10; 07:1125-30, 1205-10; 09:1625-30, 1720; 10:1825; 11:1215-20, 1330-35; 12:1545-50, 1620; 13:1200-05, 1250; 15:1555-1600, 1715-20
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 33:1210-15
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 23:1135-40; 25:1145-50, 1225, 1250; 40:1155; 64:1205-10
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1112, 1205
McLarren, Phillip H. (McLaren Consulting Group Inc.)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 57:1145-1215
McMahon, Fred (Fraser Institute)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 05:1526-30, 1550-1605, 1620-1715
McWhinnie, John (Human Resources Development Department)
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 64:1220
Measuring Quality of Life: The Use of Societal Outcomes by Parliamentarians see Government programs and services
Mellish, Tom (EDULINX Canada Corporation)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 18:1150, 1305, 1325
Meredith, Val (CA--South Surrey--White Rock--Langley; PC/DRCoalition--South Surrey--White Rock--Langley as of September 13, 2001; Ind.--South Surrey--White Rock--Langley as of April 10, 2002; CA--South Surrey--White Rock--Langley as of April 16, 2002) (Vice-Chair)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 18:1140, 1210-15
⇒⇒Child development, 20:1135
⇒⇒Employment Insurance 2000 Monitoring and Assessment Report, 19:1125-30
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 02:1645-50, 1735; 04:1135-40, 1240; 05:1550-55, 1630-35, 1705; 06:1150-55, 1230; 07:1045-50, 1230; 08:1605-10, 1630, 1645; 09:1600-05, 1715; 11:1155-1200, 1310-15; 12:1535-40, 1625; 13:1115, 1155-1200, 1255; 14:1555-1600, 1630-35; 15:1535-45, 1620-25, 1700-05
⇒⇒Future business, 17:1110-15
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 25:1130-35
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1112-45, 1155-1200, 1210, 1220
Mettle, Martha (Immigrant Women of Saskatchewan)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 50:1234-35, 1255, 1305, 1315-35
Migus, Paul (Human Resources Development Department)
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 34:1105-15, 1125-1230
Miller, David W. (Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA))
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 34:1115-25, 1135, 1150-1210, 1220, 1230
Moore, James (CA--Port Moody--Coquitlam--Port Coquitlam)
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1120, 1140, 1150
Morgan, Rosemary (Canadian Association of University Teachers)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 59:1305-15, 1330-45
Morin, Gerald (Métis National Council)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 55:1220-40, 1250-1310
Muir, Doug (Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship Training)
⇒⇒Training and apprenticeship programs, 29:1120, 1155-1200, 1210, 1220-25, 1235-45
Murray, Scott (Statistics Canada)
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 27:1210-15, 1305-10
Myers, Jayson (Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 06:1140-50, 1205-10, 1225-35, 1255-1305


Naismith, Elspeth (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 57:1215
Nakamura, Professor Alice (Individual Presentation; University of Alberta)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 15:1650-1740
Naseem, Syed (Human Resources Development Department)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 61:1125-1200, 1210-20, 1230
Neill, Robin (Atlantic Institute of Market Studies)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 48:1120, 1205, 1220, 1255
Neville, Anita (Lib.--Winnipeg South Centre)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 32:1115
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 18:1140, 1210-20, 1320
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 28:1110, 1300-05
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 44:1210-15; 47:1220; 48:1250-55; 56:1210, 1220
⇒⇒Employment Insurance 2000 Monitoring and Assessment Report, 19:1215-20
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 02:1755; 03:1250-55; 04:1225-30, 1250-55; 05:1700-05; 06:1230-35, 1305-10; 10:1910-15; 12:1610-15; 13:1230; 15:1615-20
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 34:1105, 1145-50, 1250-55
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 23:1225; 25:1215-20; 35:1230; 64:1235, 1245
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1145
Niemi, Fo (Centre for Research-Action on Race Relations)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 53:1115, 1143, 1220-45
Norrad, Tony (Canadian Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 18:1145-50, 1310, 1320-25
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 67:1120-30, 1145, 1225
Norris, Doug (Statistics Canada)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 61:1105-10, 1155-1210, 1225-30
⇒⇒Government programs and services, 37:1125, 1135, 1245


Old Age Security Act see Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)
Onyalo, David (Canadian Labour Congress)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 49:1220
Organization meeting
⇒⇒Deliberations, 01:1112
Orum, Jennifer (Canadian Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 36:1125-30, 1145, 1155, 1235, 1245
Ostiguy, Elisabeth (Canadian Mental Health Association)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 58:1125, 1145, 1215-20, 1235
Ouellet, Jean-Guy (Centrale des syndicats démocratiques)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 11:1310-45


Paré, Richard (Parliamentary Librarian)
⇒⇒Government programs and services, 37:1103-05
Paulin, Jeannine (Association des travailleurs et travailleuses d'usine de produits marins du Nouveau-Brunswick)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 08:1535-40, 1630
Paulin, Réginald (Association des municipalités francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 13:1130-35, 1200-10, 1220-35, 1250-55
Payne, Brian (Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 58:1305-10, 1330, 1350-55
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 09:1555-1600, 1610, 1635, 1645-50, 1710-15
Pelletier, Valois (Comité de concertation régionale d'assurance-emploi (Baie-Comeau, Rivière-St-François)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 11:1215
Peschisolido, Joe (CA--Richmond; Lib.--Richmond as of January 28, 2002) (Vice-Chair)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 32:1110-15, 1125
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 03:1155, 1235
⇒⇒Government programs and services, 37:1125-30
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 34:1120-30, 1250
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 35:1115-25, 1225-30
Phillips, Rhys (Canadian Human Rights Commission)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 47:1210, 1220-25
Picard, Ghislain (Assembly of First Nations; Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 13:1120-30, 1205-20, 1230-45
Poirier, Lyne (Comité de chômeurs du Saguenay--Lac-St-Jean)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 12:1521-30, 1540-45, 1555-1615, 1625-35
Poschmann, Finn (C.D. Howe Institute)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 48:1125-30, 1220, 1235, 1245
Price, Elaine (Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Labour)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 07:1025-35, 1125, 1145-50, 1200, 1210, 1225, 1235


Quality of life see Government programs and services--Evaluation


Radosavic, John (United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union--West Coast)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 09:1620-30, 1645-1700, 1710
Radwanski, George (Privacy Commissioner of Canada Office)
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 34:1246-55
Rasaratnam, Parteepan (Canadian Association for Canadian Living)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 58:1246, 1340
Redman, Karen (Lib.--Kitchener Centre; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of the Environment)
⇒⇒Training and apprenticeship programs, 29:1235
Reports to the House
⇒⇒Seventh Report, "Getting it Right for Canadians: The Disability Tax Credit", 54:1130
⇒⇒Eigth Report, "Building on Success", in camera meeting, No. 68
⇒⇒Ninth Report, "Promoting Equality in the Federal Jurisdiction: Review of the Employment Equity Act", in camera meeting, No. 68
Reynolds, Joyce (Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 04:1130-40, 1150-1200, 1215, 1230-35
Riche, Nancy (Canadian Labour Congress (CLC))
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 06:1130-40, 1150-55, 1205-35, 1245-1300
Richmond, Penni (Canadian Labour Congress)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 49:1135
Rimmer, Douglas (Public Service Commission of Canada)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 45:1135
Robertson, Lauri Sue (Toronto Employment Equity Practitioners Association)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 48:1135-40, 1215, 1245-50
Rocheleau, Yves (BQ--Trois-Rivières)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 11:1210
Romanow, Mary (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 57:1215-20, 1245-1300, 1310, 1320
Roy, Jean-Yves (BQ--Matapédia--Matane)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 14:1640
Roy, René (Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 52:1110-20, 1135-1200, 1210, 1230-35
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 07:1015-20, 1045-1100, 1125, 1155, 1205-10, 1235
Running, Kathryn (Women in Trades and Technology National Network)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 59:1140-45, 1210-15, 1235-50


Saucier, Mike (Human Resources Development Department)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 59:1105-10
Saxberg, Barbara (Canadian Media Guild)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 59:1315-35, 1345-50
Schmidt, Werner (CA--Kelowna)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 49:1300-05
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 34:1205-10, 1230
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 35:1215-20, 1255
Senior citizens see Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)
Serradori, Chloé (Confédération des organismes de personnes handicapées du Québec)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 58:1110-15, 1145-50, 1200-05, 1215, 1225
Serson, Scott (Public Service Commission of Canada)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 45:1115-40, 1150-1250
Shillington, Richard (Tristat Resources)
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 33:1106-15, 1135, 1155, 1205-40
Skelton, Carol (CA-Saskatoon-Rosetown-Biggar; Vice-Chair)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 32:1110
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 36:1215-20, 1240-45
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 27:1225-30; 28:1225-30
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 45:1250; 46:1225-30, 1300; 47:1110, 1150, 1245; 48:1235-40; 49:1210-15, 1345-50; 50:1155-1200; 51:1200-10, 1250; 52:1155-1200, 1225; 55:1120-25, 1205, 1225-30; 56:1105, 1130-35, 1200-35
⇒⇒Employment Insurance 2000 Monitoring and Assessment Report, 19:1210-15
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 02:1730-35; 04:1210-15; 05:1630; 06:1225-30; 07:1145; 08:1645; 09:1645-50; 10:1850-55; 11:1310; 12:1615-20; 13:1230-40
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 33:1130-40, 1220-25; 34:1155-1200
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 25:1150-55, 1215; 35:1200, 1245; 40:1155
⇒⇒Training and apprenticeship programs, 29:1205-10, 1240-45
Smith, Aline (Coalition Gaspésie--Les ÎLes, Matapédia, Matane; Syndicat de la fonction publique du Québec)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 14:1610, 1640-45
Smith, Frank (National Education Association of Disabled Students)
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 28:1110, 1210-20
Smith, Ron (Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Labour)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 07:1117
Social programs see Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)
Sokolyk, Gary (Clerk of the Committee)
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1112-20
Solberg, Monte (CA--Medicine Hat)
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 67:1135-40, 1205-10
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 59:1050-55, 1130-35, 1210-15, 1245
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 63:1225-30; 64:1125-35, 1215-20
South, Robert (Canadian Alliance of Student Associations)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 36:1120-25, 1155, 1220, 1240-45
Speller, Bob (Lib.--Haldimand--Norfolk--Brant)
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 34:1200-05
Spencer, Larry (CA--Regina--Lumsden--Lake Centre)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 32:1110
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 36:1225
⇒⇒Chair, election, 31:1103-05
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 42:1140-50, 1205, 1215-20; 43:1215-25, 1235; 44:1150-55; 45:1235-45; 46:1245-1300; 50:1315-20; 55:1150-1200, 1305-10; 61:1135, 1215
⇒⇒Government programs and services, 37:1205-20
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 34:1215-20
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 40:1155-1200; 63:1230, 1300-05
St-Jacques, Diane (Lib.--Shefford)(Vice-Chair)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 32:1107-10
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 36:1150-55
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 27:1250-55
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 44:1205; 48:1105-10, 1120-25, 1135-45, 1201-10, 1220-55; 50:1335-40; 51:1145, 1155-1200, 1210-20, 1228, 1235, 1245-1300; 52:1140; 54:1140; 56:1205-10; 57:1130-35, 1245-50; 58:1145-50; 59:1215-20; 61:1150-55
⇒⇒Employment Insurance 2000 Monitoring and Assessment Report, 19:1145
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 02:1705-10; 03:1215-20; 04:1205-10; 05:1526, 1530-40, 1550-1615, 1625, 1635-1715; 06:1220-25, 1305, 1315; 07:1009-25, 1035, 1045-1108, 1117, 1125-1235; 08:1526, 1535-45, 1555, 1605-10, 1620-25, 1635-1710; 09:1529-30, 1540-45, 1555-1720; 10:1755-1815, 1825-1925; 11:1128-35, 1145, 1155-1234, 1241-50, 1300-50; 12:1521, 1530-1640; 14:1545, 1600-05, 1655; 15:1725-30; 16:1835
⇒⇒Future business, 17:1115
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 34:1103-05, 1115-20, 1130-35, 1145, 1155-1236, 1246-55
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 23:1200-05, 1245-50; 25:1135-40; 35:1155-1200; 40:1125-30; 63:1245-50; 64:1135-40
⇒⇒Training and apprenticeship programs, 29:1220-25
St-Julien, Guy (Lib.--Abitibi--Baie James--Nunavik)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 14:1545, 1635-45
St-Pierre, Yves (Mouvement Action-Chômage de Trois-Rivières)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 11:1135-45, 1210-15
Status of Persons with Disabilities Sub-Committee
⇒⇒Draft Report "Getting it Right for Canadians: The Disability Tax Credit", M.(Bennett), adopted as Seventh Report of the Standing Committee on Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities, 54:1130
⇒⇒Report, "A Common Vision", in camera meeting, No. 30
⇒⇒See also Disability tax credit; Disabled and handicapped persons
Steeves, Jennifer (Canadian Automotive Repair and Service (CARS) Council)
⇒⇒Training and apprenticeship programs, 29:1120, 1135-40, 1245
Steinberg, Wendy (Canadian Mental Health Association)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 58:1125-30, 1150, 1200, 1220
Stewart, Hon. Jane (Lib.--Brant; Minister of Human Resources Development)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 02:1635-1755
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 25:1110-1250; 35:1103-1300; 64:1110-1200, 1210-40
Student loans see Canada Student Loans Program,
Studies and inquiries
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, Reports, Third, 32:1107
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program
⇒⇒⇒Current situation and future possibilities, 18:1113
⇒⇒⇒Direct Delivery Model, 36:1103
⇒⇒Child development, Children and Youth at Risk Sub-Committee workplan, 20:1114-50
⇒⇒Disabled and handicapped persons, integration and equality initiatives, Status of Persons with Disabilities Sub-Committee workplan, 20:1150-1300
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, access, financing and mobility
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, No. 30
⇒⇒⇒Study, 27:1131; 28:1110
⇒⇒⇒Update, administrative arrangements, 67:1105
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, review, 42:1104; 43:1130; 44:1107; 45:1105; 46:1155; 47:1110; 48:1105; 49:1105; 50:1110; 51:1145; 52:1110; 53:1115; 54:1105; 55:1105; 56:1105; 57:1110; 58:1110; 59:1035; 60:1115; 61:1105
⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, No. 60, 62, 65, 66, 68
⇒⇒Employment Insurance 2000 Monitoring and Assessment Report, 19:1108
⇒⇒Employment insurance, reform, draft report, in camera meetings, No. 21, No. 22, No. 26
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2)
⇒⇒⇒Study, 02:1635; 03:1132; 04:1108; 05:1526; 06:1115; 07:1009; 08:1526; 09:1529; 10:1749; 11:1128; 12:1521; 13:1109; 14:1518; 15:1527; 16:1824
⇒⇒Government programs and services, evaluation, "Measuring Quality of Life Use of Societal Outcomes by Parliamentarians" report, 37:1103
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), under-subscription
⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, No. 39; No. 41
⇒⇒⇒Study, 33:1106; 34:1103
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2001-2002, Main and Report on Plans and Priorities, 23:1112; 25:1109
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2002-2003, Main, 63:1205; 64:1110
⇒⇒⇒Labour program, mandate, management and operation, 40:1108
⇒⇒⇒Mandate, management and operations, 35:1103
⇒⇒Training and apprenticeship programs
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, No. 30
⇒⇒⇒Study, 29:1120
Swift, Catherine (Canadian Federation of Independent Business)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 04:1110-15, 1140, 1155, 1205-25, 1235, 1245


Tabet, Jean-Philippe (Cultural Human Resources Council)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 08:1526-35, 1605, 1615-25, 1650, 1705
Taillon, Gilles (Conseil du patronat du Québec)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 06:1125-30, 1150-1205, 1215-20, 1240-55, 1305
Thompson, Greg (PC--New Brunswick Southwest; PC/DR Coalition--New Brunswick Southwest as of September 13, 2001; PC--New Brunswick Southwest as of April 10, 2002)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 18:1210; 36:1210-15
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 44:1107, 1125, 1135-40, 1215-25; 45:1120, 1220-30
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 02:1720-25, 1755-1800; 03:1220-25, 1255-1300; 07:1130-35, 1225; 15:1610-15, 1730-35; 16:1825-30
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1112-15, 1130-35, 1205-10, 1220
Tonks, Alan (Lib.--York South--Weston)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 32:1107, 1130
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 18:1210, 1245
⇒⇒Child development, 20:1130-35
⇒⇒Disabled and handicapped persons, 20:1300
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 28:1245-50; 67:1140-50, 1220-25
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 42:1150-55, 1220-25; 43:1150-55; 44:1145-50, 1235; 45:1120, 1155-1205; 46:1245; 47:1205-10, 1250; 48:1240; 49:1205-10; 50:1310-15; 52:1215-30; 55:1130-35, 1230-35, 1310; 56:1135-40; 57:1120-25, 1200, 1300; 58:1205-15, 1335; 59:1120-30, 1335-40; 61:1220
⇒⇒Employment Insurance 2000 Monitoring and Assessment Report, 19:1200-05
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 02:1745; 03:1245; 04:1155-1200; 05:1635-40; 06:1255-1300; 07:1140; 08:1700-05; 09:1700-05; 10:1855-1905; 11:1345; 13:1115; 14:1545, 1645-50; 15:1545-50, 1735-40; 16:1835
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 23:1145-55, 1235-40; 25:1155-1200; 35:1220-25, 1250; 63:1305-10; 64:1220-30
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1112-15, 1130-35, 1150, 1200
⇒⇒Training and apprenticeship programs, 29:1210-15
Townsend, Thomas (Human Resources Development Department)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 18:1125-40, 1215-35, 1245-1315
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 27:1215-55, 1305-10
Training and apprenticeship programs
⇒⇒In camera meeting, No. 30
⇒⇒Study, 29:1120
Turk, Dr. James L. (Canadian Association of University Teachers)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 18:1200-05, 1235, 1325
⇒⇒Education, post-secondary, 28:1110, 1140-45, 1230-55, 1305
Turner, Kathy (Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA))
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 34:1200, 1210


Vaillancourt, Rodrigue (Regroupement des exclus de l'été 2000)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 14:1530, 1600
Vallée, Émile (Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 52:1140, 1150, 1210, 1220
Valois, Roger (Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN))
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 06:1145-50, 1205-10, 1225-30, 1240-55, 1305
Van Audenrode, Professor Marc (Individual Presentation; Laval University)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 05:1530-35, 1630-40
Vaudreuil, François (Centrale des syndicats démocratiques)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 11:1250-1300, 1310, 1320-25, 1345
⇒⇒Election, deliberations, 47:1110; 59:1050
Vocational training see Training and apprenticeship programs
Vreeswijk, Wilma (Human Resources Development Department)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance 2000 Monitoring and Assessment Report, 19:1108-1220, 1230
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 02:1655, 1720, 1730-40


Walsh, Rob (House of Commons)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 57:1140
Warner, Rita (Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 50:1245-1315, 1325-40
Webster, Don (Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 04:1125-35, 1215-20, 1235
Westland, Joan (Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work)
⇒⇒Disabled and handicapped persons, 20:1215-20, 1255
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 59:1155-1200, 1215, 1225-30, 1255
White, Gary (United Steelworkers of America)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 09:1545-55, 1610-20, 1640-45, 1700, 1715-20
Whyte, Garth (Canadian Federation of Independent Business)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 04:1115-25, 1135-1240
Wilfert, Bryon (Lib.--Oak Ridges; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Finance as of February 21, 2002)
⇒⇒Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 33:1230-35
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 35:1135-45
Williams, John (CA--St. Albert)
⇒⇒Government programs and services, 37:1110-20
Winberg, Alan (Human Resources Development Department)
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 64:1130-35, 1215
Winberg, Alan R. (Human Resources Development Department)
⇒⇒Human Resources Development Department, 25:1215
Wright, Andrea (Canadian Human Rights Commission)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 43:1150-1200; 47:1155, 1230
Wuetherick, Brad (Canadian Graduate Council)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 18:1150-55, 1220, 1300, 1325


Yelich, Lynne (CA--Blackstrap)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 53:1220-25
Young, Margot (Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE))
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act and Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 10:1820, 1855, 1915
Young, Paul A. (Council of Canadians with Disabilities)
⇒⇒Disabled and handicapped persons, 20:1205-15
Yussuff, Hassan (Canadian Labour Congress)
⇒⇒Employment Equity Act, 49:1105-10, 1125-40, 1150, 1200-10, 1225-30


Zimmering, Lawrence (BDP Business Data Services)
⇒⇒Canada Student Loans Program, 18:1145, 1305, 1320