Index of Proceedings
38th Parliament, 1st Session
(October 4, 2004 - November 29, 2005)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | W | Y
Index complete to meeting No. 54
Accessibility for All see Status of Persons with Disabilities
Subcommittee--Report, first
Achimov, Donna (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 53:1150, 1225, 1245
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 46:1115-30, 1155, 1230-35, 1245-50
Adams, Hon. Peter (Lib.--Peterborough)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 03:1130, 1155-200; 04:1155, 1225-30, 1250; 05:1150, 1200-05; 07:1215-25, 1250; 09:1140-45, 1155-210, 1220-55
⇒⇒Canada Pension Plan/Old Age Security Review Tribunals, 23:1130-35
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 22:1215-30; 25:1110-20, 1130, 1240-45; 26:1110, 1210-25; 27:1220; 28:1140, 1235-45, 1335; 30:1205, 1255-300
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 11:1145-50, 1310; 17:1120, 1130, 1140-200, 1210-15, 1230-35, 1245-50, 1305-30; 18:1145
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 11:1145-50, 1310; 19:1140-55, 1220, 1230, 1250-55
⇒⇒Employment insurance, 41:1100-05, 1215
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), 37:1115-35, 1220-25, 1240, 1255; 38:1110-15, 1140-45; 42:1145, 1155-200, 1210-15, 1230-300, 1310
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 06:1145-50, 1205, 1300; 30:1205, 1255-300; 36:1140-45; 53:1230-40
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 07:1120; 09:1115-25, 1135-40; 17:1115; 30:1110, 1120-25; 34:1250; 43:1140; 45:1535-40, 1550
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 46:1150, 1235; 47:1155, 1205-15; 48:1125, 1150-200; 49:1235-40; 50:1110, 1155-200, 1230-40
Agenda and Procedure Subcommittee
⇒⇒Membership, Minutes of meeting No. 9
⇒⇒Report, first, future business, adopted, Minutes of meeting No. 4
Arthurs, Harry (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 36:1220-300
Asselin, Gérard (NDP--Manicouagan)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), 35:1120-25, 1140, 1150; 37:1140, 1220
Austad, Vicki (New Westminster Community Development Society)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 26:1140, 1205-35
Bakopanos, Hon. Eleni (Lib.--Ahuntsic)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 04:1205-10, 1250; 05:1155-205; 09:1205, 1215
⇒⇒Child care, 15:1205-10, 1230, 1250-55
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 22:1205-10, 1225; 25:1115, 1225-30, 1240-45, 1300-05; 26:1115, 1225-30; 27:1210-15; 28:1145, 1305, 1335; 30:1215
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 11:1205, 1215, 1300; 17:1135, 1150-235, 1310-15, 1325; 18:1140
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 11:1205, 1215, 1300; 14:1600-05; 19:1105-10, 1125, 1145, 1200-05, 1215, 1225, 1235, 1250, 1300
⇒⇒Employment insurance, 41:1220-25, 1235-40
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), 38:1120, 1155; 42:1145, 1210, 1315
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 06:1155-200; 24:1140; 30:1215; 36:1210; 53:1220
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1535-45, 1600, 1630; 09:1130; 18:1120; 30:1105-10, 1125; 34:1250, 1300; 45:1545
⇒⇒Social Development Department, 08:1150-55, 1235-40
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 46:1155-200, 1230-35; 47:1235-40; 49:1215, 1225, 1240
Baldwin, Susan (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 17:1135, 1205-15
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 19:1145
Beaulieu, Christian (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 09:1145-50, 1235, 1245
Beaupré, Bernadette (Ontario Network of Employment Skills Training Projects)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 25:1145-50, 1230-35, 1255, 1305
Beck, Antonia (South Burnaby Neighbourhood House)
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 47:1110, 1130, 1150-205, 1220-55
Bélanger, Annie (Chambre de commerce et d'industrie Thérèse-De-Blainville)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 26:1130-40, 1200-25, 1235-40
Bélisle, Danielle (Committee Clerk)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 26:1105
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 11:1205; 17:1120, 1215, 1230; 18:1155
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 11:1205; 19:1235
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), 42:1250, 1305
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 06:1110
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 10:1225; 45:1535-40, 1550
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 48:1115
Bélisle, Johanne (Social Development Department)
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 14:1620
Bender, Rosemary (Statistics Canada)
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements program, 50:1210-50
Bennett, John (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
⇒⇒Child care, 15:1115-20, 1150, 1215, 1225, 1245-300
Berry Merriam, Dawn (St.Joseph's at Fleming)
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 48:1125, 1135-45, 1155-200, 1210-20
Bérubé-Gagné, Johanne (Edmundston Madawaska Tourism Office)
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 49:1125, 1135, 1155-200, 1210, 1225-45
Bills referred
⇒⇒C-5.\ Canada Education Savings Act--Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development (Volpe)
⇒⇒C-22.\ Department of Social Development Act--Minister of Social Development (Dryden)
⇒⇒C-23.\ Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act--Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development (Volpe)
⇒⇒C-280.\ Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)--Asselin
Bloor, Gregory (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 47:1120, 1145-50, 1220, 1255
Boire, Alain (BQ--Beauharnois--Salaberry)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 03:1150-55; 04:1210-15; 05:1155-205; 09:1155-200, 1240-45
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 09:1120-30
Boisvert, Michel (Les Oeuvres de la Maison Dauphine)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 27:1125-30, 1145-50, 1200-10, 1225-30
Bonsant, France (BQ--Compton--Stanstead)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 26:1235; 28:1215; 30:1250
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 30:1250
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 30:1110
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 46:1140-45, 1215, 1235-40; 47:1150-55, 1230-35; 48:1140-45; 49:1140, 1210-15, 1240-45; 50:1230; 50:1135-45, 1230, 1245-50
Boshcoff, Ken (Lib.--Thunder Bay--Rainy River)
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1535-40, 1615-20, 1635
Bouchard, Réal (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Employment insurance, 41:1255
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), 37:1125, 1150-55, 1210-20, 1240, 1250
Bouchard St-Amant, Pier-André (Quebec Federation of University Students)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 04:1145-50, 1200, 1215-20, 1230, 1240
Bourassa, Linda (Table de concertation jeunesse Ahuntsic)
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 49:1120, 1130, 1215, 1225
Boyko, Ian (Canadian Federation of Students)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 04:1105-10, 1125-40, 1155, 1210, 1225-30, 1240
Bradshaw, Hon. Claudette (Lib.--Moncton--Riverview--Dieppe; Minister of State (Human Resources Development))
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 30:1135-45, 1230-35, 1245-50
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 06:1220-25; 30:1135-45, 1230-35, 1245-50; 53:1125, 1135-40, 1200, 1220, 1235
Burton, Lenore (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 03:1115-20, 1130-40; 09:1140, 1155-200
Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5)--Minister of Human Resources and
Skills Development (Volpe)
⇒⇒Study, 03:1105-200; 04:1105-240; 05:1110-220; 07:1125-255; 09:1140-255
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, Minutes of meeting No 9
Canada Employment Insurance Commission
⇒⇒Membership see Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280)
Canada Pension Plan/Old Age Security Review Tribunals
⇒⇒Rabot, Philippe, Commissioner, nomination, study, 23:1105-45
⇒⇒⇒M. (Forseth), agreed to, Minutes of meeting No. 23
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
⇒⇒Hong, S. Len, President, nomination, study, 54:1325-30
⇒⇒⇒M. (D'Amours), agreed to, Minutes of meeting No. 54
Carrier, Normand (Study Committee on Seasonal Work)
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 11:1220, 1245-50
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 11:1220, 1245-50
Carroll, Diane (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Employment insurance, 41:1130, 1150, 1205, 1225
Centennial Flame Research Award Act see Status of Persons with Disabilities
Subcommittee, report, second; Procedure and Committee business
Certificates of nomination
⇒⇒Hong, S. Len see Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
⇒⇒Rabot, Philippe see Canada Pension Plan/Old Age Security Review Tribunals
Chair and vice-chairs, election see Procedure and Committee business
Child care
⇒⇒OECD, Early Childhood Education and Care Policy, study, 15:1105-300
Christianson, Steven (Ontario March of Dimes)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 28:1230
Christopherson, David (NDP--Hamilton Centre)
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 24:1135-40
Clément-Jolette, Rosalie (Chambre de commerce et d'industrie
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 26:1200, 1240
Coderre, Hon. Denis (Lib.--Bourassa)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), 38:1120
Cole, Wayne (Procedural Clerk)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), 38:1145; 42:1155, 1210, 1250-300, 1310
Committee business see Procedure and Committee business
Community programs funding
⇒⇒Committee report, sixth, Government response, study, 53:1110-255
⇒⇒Criteria, study, 22:1105-250; 25:1110-310; 26:1105-245; 27:1115-245; 28:1105-335; 30:1125-310
⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, Minutes of meetings No. 29; No. 31; No. 32; No. 33; No. 34; No. 35
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, sixth, An Examination of New Directives Governing Contribution Agreements for Selected Programs Delivered on Behalf of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, Minutes of meeting No. 35
Craig Garrison, Margo (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 46:1150, 1205, 1220, 1230
Crane, Jamie (University College of Cape Breton Students' Union)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 07:1125, 1155, 1215-25, 1245-55
Crête, Paul (BQ--Montmagny--L'Islet--Kamouraska--Rivière-du-Loup)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 04:1255
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 17:1125-30, 1140-245, 1305-30; 18:1130, 1145
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 18:1110
Cullen, Nathan (NDP--Skeena--Bulkley Valley)
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 46:1145-50, 1220-25
Dallaire, Pierre (Les Oeuvres de la Maison Dauphine)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 27:1150, 1200-05, 1240
D'Amours, Jean-Claude (Lib.--Madawaska--Restigouche)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 03:1145-50; 04:1215-20; 05:1205-10; 07:1230-35; 09:1205, 1220, 1245
⇒⇒Canada Pension Plan/Old Age Security Review Tribunals, 23:1135
⇒⇒Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, 54:1325
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 22:1155-200; 27:1225-35; 30:1230-35
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 10:1140-45; 11:1210, 1305; 17:1235-40; 18:1150
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 11:1210, 1305; 19:1245
⇒⇒Employment insurance, 41:1110, 1155-200, 1230
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), 35:1150-55; 37:1230
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 06:1250; 30:1230-35; 36:1200, 1240-45; 53:1155-200, 1250
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1545, 1620-25; 09:1135; 10:1230; 18:1120; 30:1115; 34:1255; 45:1535
⇒⇒Social Development Department, 08:1205; 24:1245-50
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 47:1225; 49:1155-200
Davies, Libby (NDP--Vancouver East)
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 06:1135-45, 1205
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 48:1145-50, 1210-15
de Cotret, Michèle René (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 10:1130; 17:1140
Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23)--Minister
of Human Resources and Skills Development (Volpe)
⇒⇒Study, 10:1105-215; 11:1110-315; 17:1120-330; 18:1130-55
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, fourth, Minutes of meeting No. 18
Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22)--Minister of Social
Development (Dryden)
⇒⇒Study, 11:1110-315; 14:1525-645; 19:1105-300
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, fifth, Minutes of meeting No. 19
Desjardins, Lorraine (Fédération des associations de familles monoparentales
et recomposées du Québec)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 07:1145, 1200-05
Devolin, Barry (CPC--Haliburton--Kawartha Lakes--Brock)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 03:1140; 04:1125-30; 05:1130; 07:1155-200; 09:1220-25
⇒⇒Child care, 15:1140-55
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 22:1135, 1200; 26:1145-50, 1220-25; 27:1145-50; 28:1205-10; 30:1145-50
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 10:1145
⇒⇒Employment insurance, 41:1255
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), 37:1200-05; 38:1125, 1145; 42:1215-20, 1250, 1310-15
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 06:1125; 30:1145-50; 53:1205, 1235
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1535, 1545-50, 1600, 1610, 1635; 10:1215-20, 1235-40; 17:1110; 45:1535
⇒⇒Social Development Department, 08:1155-200, 1235; 24:1215-25, 1255
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 46:1130, 1140, 1240; 47:1255; 48:1130-35, 1215-20; 49:1130-35, 1230; 50:1130-35, 1200-25
Disabilities, persons with see Status of Persons with Disabilities
Divisions, recorded
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280)
⇒⇒⇒Carried, as amended, 42:1255, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒⇒Clause 1, agreed to, 42:1210, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒⇒Clause 2, as amended, agreed to, 42:1230, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒⇒⇒Amdt. (Van Loan), agreed to, 42:1230, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒⇒Clause 3, agreed to, 42:1230, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒⇒Clause 4, agreed to, 42:1230, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒⇒Clause 5, as amended, agreed to, 42:1245, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒⇒⇒Amdt. (Lessard), agreed to, 42:1240, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒⇒Clause 6, as amended, agreed to 42:1245, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒⇒⇒Amdts. (Lessard), agreed to, 42:1245, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒⇒Clause 7, new clause, M. (Lessard), agreed to, 42:1250, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, as amended, M., agreed to, 42:1305, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒⇒Title, agreed to, 42:1255, Minutes of meeting No. 42
Doolittle-Romas, Monique (Canadian Hearing Society)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 25:1130-35, 1220, 1255-300
Dryden, Hon. Ken (Lib.--York Centre; Minister of Social Development)
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 14:1530-55, 1605-15, 1625-30
⇒⇒Social Development Department, 08:1105-15, 1130-35, 1145-225, 1235-40; 24:1209-300
Dubois, Josée (Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 33:1155
Dupont, Serge (Finance Department)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 09:1215-20
Durand, Nathalie (Centre de services sociaux de Laval)
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 49:1125, 1135, 1205, 1225
Earle, Wayne (Southern Labrador Development Association)
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements program, 50:1110-200
Edmondson, Warren (Canada Industrial Relations Board)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 33:1130-35, 1150-210
Employment insurance
⇒⇒Committee report, third, Government response, study, 41:1100-300
⇒⇒Premium rate see Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280)
Employment Insurance Account
⇒⇒Management see Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280)
Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium
rate setting)(Bill C-280)--Asselin
⇒⇒Carried, as amended, on recorded division, 42:1255, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒Clause 1, agreed to, on recorded division, 42:1210, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒Clause 2, as amended, agreed to, on recorded division, 42:1230, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒⇒Amdt. (Van Loan), 42:1210-30, agreed to, on recorded division, 42:1230, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒Clause 3, agreed to, on recorded division, 42:1230, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒Clause 4, agreed to, on recorded division, 42:1230, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒Clause 5, as amended, agreed to, on recorded division, 42:1240-45, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒⇒Amdt. (Lessard), 42:1235-40, agreed to, on recorded division, 42:1240; Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒Clause 6, as amended, agreed to, on recorded division, 42:1245, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒⇒Amdts. (Lessard), 42:1245, agreed to, on recorded division, 42:1245, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒Clause 7, new clause, M. (Lessard), 42:1245-50, agreed to, on recorded division, 42:1250, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒Report to House, as amended, M., agreed to, on recorded division, 42:1255-305; Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒Study, 35:1120-200; 37:1115-300; 38:1110-205; 42:1145-315
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, seventh (extension request), Minutes of meeting No. 38
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, ninth, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒Title, agreed to, on recorded division, 42:1250-55, Minutes of meeting No. 42
Employment Insurance Funds Subcommittee
⇒⇒Report, Restoring Financial Governance and Accessibility in the Employment Insurance Program, study, in camera meetings, Minutes of meetings No. 12; No. 13
⇒⇒⇒Adopted, Report to House, third, Minutes of meeting No. 16
Estimates see Human Resources and Skills Development Department; Social
Development Department
Examination of New Directives Governing Contribution Agreements for
Selected Programs Delivered on Behalf of Human Resources and Skills Development
Canada, An see Community programs funding--Reports to House, sixth;
Human Resources and Skills Development Department, Government response to Report to House, sixth
Finlay, Rebecca (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 47:1110, 1135-40, 1220, 1230, 1245-50
Flumian, Maryantonett (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 06:1125; 53:1225, 1240
Folco, Raymonde (Lib.--Laval--Les Îles)(Chair)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 03:1105-200; 04:1105, 1115-30, 1140-255; 05:1110-35, 1145-220; 07:1115-40; 09:1140-255
⇒⇒Canada Pension Plan/Old Age Security Review Tribunals, 23:1105-20, 1130-45
⇒⇒Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, 54:1325-30
⇒⇒Child care, 15:1105, 1115-20, 1130-300
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 22:1105, 1135-250; 25:1110-30, 1140-55, 1205-10, 1220-310; 26:1105-15, 1125-45, 1155-245; 27:1115-40, 1150-200, 1210-45; 28:1105-10, 1120-55, 1205, 1215-35, 1245-55, 1305-10, 1320, 1330-35; 30:1125, 1135, 1145-50, 1200-40, 1250-310; 33:1125-35, 1150-210
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 10:1105, 1115-20, 1130-215; 11:1110-15, 1125, 1135-230, 1245-315; 17:1120-250, 1304-30; 18:1130-55
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 11:1110-15, 1125, 1135-230, 1245-315; 14:1525-40, 1550, 1600-45; 19:1105-300
⇒⇒Employment insurance, 41:1100-15, 1130-300
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), 35:1120-25, 1135-50, 1200; 37:1115-300; 38:1110-205; 42:1145-315
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 06:1105-10, 1125-35, 1145-210, 1220-35, 1245-50, 1300-05; 24:1110, 1120-25, 1135-40, 1150-205; 30:1125, 1135, 1145-50, 1200-40, 1250-310; 36:1105, 1115, 1125-225, 1235-305; 53:1110, 1120, 1130-45, 1155-210, 1220-55
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1535-640; 07:1115-25; 09:1115-40; 10:1215-245; 17:1110-15; 18:1110-25; 30:1105-25; 34:1245-300; 43:1140; 45:1535-55; 54:1330
⇒⇒Social Development Department, 08:1105, 1120-55, 1205-20, 1230-45; 24:1209-15
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 46:1115, 1130-250; 47:1110, 1120-215, 1225-55; 48:1115-45; 49:1115-50, 1200-45; 50:1110-25, 1135-45, 1155-215, 1225-30, 1240-50
Fontana, Hon. Joe (Lib.--London North Centre; Minister of Labour and Housing)
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 06:1110, 1120-205; 24:1110-30, 1140-200; 36:1105-210
Forseth, Paul (CPC--New Westminster--Coquitlam)(Vice-Chair)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 03:1115-20, 1200; 04:1200-05, 1230, 1245, 1255; 05:1135; 07:1140-45, 1155-200, 1210-15, 1225-55; 09:1140-50, 1215
⇒⇒Canada Pension Plan/Old Age Security Review Tribunals, 23:1105-10, 1135-45
⇒⇒Child care, 15:1300
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 22:1135, 1205; 25:1125, 1220, 1230, 1250; 28:1130; 30:1235, 1305; 33:1150-55; 35:1125-30
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 10:1120-25, 1200-05; 11:1115-25, 1215-20, 1235, 1250-55; 18:1110-20, 1135-50
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 11:1215-20, 1235, 1250-55; 14:1525, 1535-40, 1625-35; 19:1110-15, 1125-40, 1155
⇒⇒Employment insurance, 41:1105
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), 37:1205, 1215, 1230; 38:1110-15; 42:1225
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 06:1150-55, 1300-05; 24:1120-25; 30:1235, 1305; 36:1115-25, 1250; 53:1135
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1535-40, 1550-55, 1605-15, 1625-40; 07:1120-25; 09:1115-40; 10:1225-30; 17:1110-15; 18:1115-25; 30:1120
⇒⇒Social Development Department, 08:1125-35; 24:1225, 1235-45, 1255-300
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 46:1225-30; 47:1215-25; 48:1150, 1200-20; 49:1110; 50:1120, 1225
Future business see Procedure and Committee business
Gagnon, Christiane (BQ--Québec) (Vice-Chair)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 03:1120-25, 1155; 04:1130-35; 05:1135-40, 1200; 07:1200-05, 1235; 09:1145-205, 1245-50
⇒⇒Canada Pension Plan/Old Age Security Review Tribunals, 23:1115
⇒⇒Child care, 15:1150-55, 1250-55
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 22:1140-45, 1210-15; 25:1120, 1235-40, 1250; 26:1155-200, 1230-35; 27:1115, 1155-200, 1215-20, 1230; 28:1215-20, 1305-10, 1335; 30:1150-55, 1220, 1250-55; 33:1155
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 10:1130-35, 1205; 11:1125-35, 1150, 1310
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 11:1125-35, 1150, 1310; 14:1525, 1540-50, 1630-45; 19:1110-15, 1125-40, 1150, 1200, 1210-15, 1225-35, 1245, 1300
⇒⇒Employment insurance, 41:1100, 1110, 1140, 1215
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), 35:1135-40; 37:1250; 38:1110, 1200-05; 42:1145, 1155-200, 1210, 1230, 1250-305, 1315
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 06:1130-35, 1205, 1235, 1300; 24:1125, 1135, 1200-05; 30:1150-55, 1220, 1250-55; 53:1110, 1135-45, 1210-15
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1540-50, 1600-05, 1630; 07:1115-25; 09:1125; 10:1220-45; 30:1110, 1125; 43:1140; 45:1540, 1550
⇒⇒Social Development Department, 08:1135-40; 24:1225-35, 1255-300
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 49:1135-40, 1200-05; 50:1225-30
Gagnon, Marcel (BQ--Saint-Maurice--Champlain)
⇒⇒Canada Pension Plan/Old Age Security Review Tribunals, 23:1115-20, 1140-45
Galarneau, Nicole (Canadian Coalition of Community-Based Employability
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 27:1135-40, 1150-55, 1205, 1215-30, 1240
Gingras, Pierre (Réseau des Carrefours jeunesse-emploi du Québec)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 28:1200-05, 1215-20
Glass, Sandra (Canadian Coalition of Community-Based Employability Training)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 25:1210
Godin, Yvon (NDP--Acadie--Bathurst)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 27:1115, 1200-10, 1220, 1235, 1245
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 18:1130, 1150-55
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), 35:1145; 37:1120, 1145-50, 1210, 1255; 42:1150, 1205, 1305-10
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 18:1115-20
Government appointments see Canada Pension Plan/Old Age Security Review
Tribunals; Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Government response to Committee reports see Community programs funding;
Employment insurance
Hare, David (Canadian Federation of Students)
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 48:1115-20, 1130-50, 1200-20
Harrison, Sherry (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 53:1145
Hasan, Abrar (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
⇒⇒Child care, 15:1105-10, 1145
Hayes, Kevin (Canadian Labour Congress)
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 11:1255-300
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 11:1255-300
Hearn, Terry (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 30:1150, 1240
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 30:1150, 1240
Hicks, Peter (Social Development Department)
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 14:1610-15, 1635-45; 19:1235
Hong, S. Len (Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 33:1125, 1150, 1200-05
⇒⇒President, nomination see Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Housing see Labour and Housing Ministry
Hubert, Paul (Pathways Skill Development and Placement Centre)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 26:1115-20, 1215-20, 1245
Hui, Minerva (Ontario Network of Employment Skills Training Project)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 25:1150-55, 1220, 1240-45
Human Resources and Skills Development Department
⇒⇒Estimates, 2004-2005, Main, study, 06:1105-305
⇒⇒Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (B), Labour and Housing, study, 24:1110-205
⇒⇒Estimates, 2005-2006, Main, study, 30:1125-310; 33:1125-210; 36:1105-305
⇒⇒Estimates, 2005-2006, Supplementary (A), study, 53:1110-255
⇒⇒See also Community programs funding
Hutchinson, Braden (Rideau River Residence Association)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 05:1115-20, 1130, 1150, 1210, 1220
Ianno, Hon. Tony (Lib.--Trinity--Spadina; Minister of State (Families and Caregivers))
⇒⇒Social Development Department, 08:1120-30, 1140, 1155, 1205, 1215, 1230-40
James, Bill (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Employment insurance, 41:1230, 1255
Jensen, Phil (Social Development Department)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 30:1305
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 30:1305
Johnstone, Walter (Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area)
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 48:1120-25, 1135, 1155-200, 1215-20
Julian, Peter (NDP--Burnaby--New Westminster)
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 17:1235, 1330
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 45:1550
⇒⇒Social Development Department, 24:1235-45
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 47:1200-05, 1240-45
Kerr, Kevin (Committee Researcher)
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 11:1315
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 11:1315
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements program, 50:1205-10
Kinsley, Karen (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 36:1130
Komarnicki, Ed (CPC--Souris--Moose Mountain)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 07:1200
⇒⇒Canada Pension Plan/Old Age Security Review Tribunals, 23:1110-15, 1140
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 30:1305
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 11:1150-55, 1250
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 11:1150-55, 1250; 14:1605-10; 19:1120, 1130, 1145
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), 38:1130, 1145; 42:1155, 1205, 1220, 1300, 1315
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 24:1150-55; 30:1305; 36:1145-50, 1225-35, 1250, 1305
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1555, 1635
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 46:1200-05, 1240-45; 47:1110, 1145-50, 1220; 48:1200; 49:1200-05; 50:1210, 1240-45
Kusie, James (Canadian Alliance of Student Associations)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 04:1120-25, 1135-45, 1200-05, 1225, 1235
Labbé, Luc (Centre d'assistance et d'accompagnement aux plaintes)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 27:1120, 1145, 1205, 1225, 1235
Labour and Housing Ministry see Human Resources and Skills Development
Lalonde-Goldenberg, Julie (Justice Department)
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 14:1540, 1600, 1630-35; 19:1225-30, 1240, 1250
Lamothe, Joanne (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 30:1250
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 30:1250
Langille, Anne (Pathways Skill Development and Placement Centre)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 26:1205-35
Lareau, André (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 07:1145-50, 1200-10, 1235-45, 1255
Lauzière, Marcel (Canadian Council on Social Development)
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 11:1235-40, 1250, 1300
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 11:1235-40, 1250, 1300
Lavallée, Carole (BQ--Saint-Bruno--Saint-Hubert)
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 36:1235, 1255
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 54:1330
LeBrun, Marc (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 03:1120-25, 1135, 1155
Leduc, Luc (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), 37:1155, 1215-20, 1235-40, 1300
Lennon, Alan (Canada Employment and Immigration Union)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 28:1155, 1210, 1240-45
Lessard, Yves (BQ--Chambly--Borduas)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 07:1135, 1205-10
⇒⇒Child care, 15:1225-30
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 25:1125, 1250; 28:1140
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 10:1155-200, 1210; 11:1155, 1210-15, 1255, 1310-15; 17:1125-35, 1200-10, 1220-40, 1250, 1305, 1315-25; 18:1130, 1140, 1150
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 11:1155, 1210-15, 1255, 1310-15; 14:1525, 1615; 19:1110, 1130-50, 1200, 1210, 1220, 1230, 1240, 1250
⇒⇒Employment insurance, 41:1105-10, 1140-50, 1215-20, 1240-45
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), 35:1125-200; 37:1130-35, 1210, 1220, 1245-50, 1300; 38:1115-20, 1130-35, 1145-205; 42:1205, 1235, 1245-50, 1315
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 06:1200-05, 1300; 24:1200-05; 36:1200; 53:1240-45
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1535, 1555-610; 10:1225; 18:1115-25; 45:1535
⇒⇒Social Development Department, 08:1140, 1210-15, 1240-45; 24:1300;
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 47:1200, 1230; 48:1205-10, 1220
Lévesque, Sylvie (Fédération des associations de familles monoparentales
et recomposées du Québec)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 07:1140, 1155, 1235, 1250
Lewis, Peter (Canadian Scholarship Trust Foundation)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 07:1125-35, 1155-200, 1215, 1225-30, 1250-55
Lukiwski, Tom (CPC--Regina--Lumsden--Lake Centre)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 05:1130
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 06:1125
Martin, Tony (NDP--Sault Ste. Marie)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 03:1125-35, 1200; 09:1255
⇒⇒Canada Pension Plan/Old Age Security Review Tribunals, 23:1120-30, 1145
⇒⇒Child care, 15:1155-200, 1240
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 22:1145-55, 1220-35, 1245-50; 25:1110-15, 1125-30, 1240-45; 26:1110-15, 1205-10, 1230, 1240-45; 28:1125-35, 1150, 1220-25, 1235, 1310, 1320, 1330; 30:1200-25, 1300-5; 33:1200-05
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 10:1135-40; 11:1135-45, 1155-210, 1255, 1310-15
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 11:1135-45, 1155-210, 1255, 1310-15; 14:1550-55, 1625; 19:1105-20, 1150-55, 1205-20
⇒⇒Employment insurance, 41:1105, 1145-50, 1225-30, 1250
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), 38:1125, 1155
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 06:1245-50, 1300; 30:1200-25, 1300-5; 36:1130-40, 1205; 53:1145-50, 1225, 1245
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1540, 1615-25; 10:1240-45; 30:1115, 1125; 34:1245-50
⇒⇒Social Development Department, 08:1145, 1220, 1230
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 49:1145-50, 1220; 50:1145-55, 1230
Mathieu, Geneviève (Conseil Sport Loisir de l'Estrie)
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 49:1115-20, 1130-35, 1145-50, 1210, 1220-25, 1245
McDonough, Alexa (NDP--Halifax)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 04:1140-45, 1220, 1245-55; 05:1145, 1210-15; 07:1210, 1245-50; 09:1150, 1225
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 07:1120; 09:1125-40
Meunier-McKay, Jeannette (Canada Employment and Immigration Union)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 28:1120-25, 1145-55, 1210-15
Morawski, Eugene (Committee Clerk)
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1535
Morrison, Peter (Statistics Canada)
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements program, 50:1220-25
Nadeau, Serge (Finance Department)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 09:1225
Nares, Peter (Social and Enterprise Development Innovations)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 05:1110-15, 1130-35, 1145-55, 1215-20
Nymark, Alan (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Employment insurance, 41:1130, 1240, 1250
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 53:1130, 1145, 1200, 1230-35
OECD see Child care
Old Age Security see Canada Pension Plan/Old Age Security Review Tribunals
Organization meeting see Procedure and Committee business
Ouellette, Lisette (Northern College of Applied Arts and Technology)
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 11:1225, 1250
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 11:1225, 1250
Paradis, Hon. Denis (Lib.--Brome--Missisquoi)
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 14:1610
Persons with disabilities see Status of Persons with Disabilities Subcommittee
Picard, Yves (Réseau des Carrefours jeunesse-emploi du Québec)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 28:1200-05, 1215, 1240
Procedure and Committee business
⇒⇒Centennial Flame Research Award, bursary, payment, M. (Russell), agreed to, 54:1330
⇒⇒Chair, decisions, sustained on appeal, Minutes of meeting No. 30
⇒⇒Chair and vice-chairs, election, Minutes of meetings No. 1; No. 45
⇒⇒Future/routine business, 04:1240-255; 07:1115-125; 09:1115-140; 10:1215-245; 17:1110-15; 18:1110-25; 30:1105-25; 34:1245-300; 43:1140; 45:1535-55
⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, Minutes of meetings No. 2; No. 3; No. 5; No. 12; No. 14; No. 16; No. 20; No. 21; No. 22; No. 23; No. 25; No. 26; No. 27; No. 29; No. 30; No. 43; No. 44; No. 46; No. 47; No. 51; No. 52; No. 53
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1535-640
⇒⇒Questioning of witnesses, question to Minister relating to supposed intimidation of witnesses, 30:1105-25, not in order; Minutes of meeting No. 30
⇒⇒Reports, Member leaking to witnesses, letter to Speaker, M., agreed to, Minutes of meeting No. 30
⇒⇒Subcommttee, meeting in lieu of main Committee, Minutes of meeting No. 10
⇒⇒Witnesses, appearance, ministerial letter of assurance re loss of government funding
⇒⇒⇒M. (Godin), Minutes of meeting No. 27; withdrawn, 28:1330; Minutes of meeting No. 28
⇒⇒⇒M. (Martin, T.), waiver of notice requirement, unanimous consent, denied, 25:1110-30
⇒⇒⇒M. (Martin, T.), Minutes of meeting No. 33
Rabot, Philippe (Canada Pension Plan/Old Age Security Review Tribunals)
⇒⇒Canada Pension Plan/Old Age Security Review Tribunals, 23:1105-45
⇒⇒Commissioner, appointment see Canada Pension Plan/Old Age Security Review Tribunals
Ratansi, Yasmin (Lib.--Don Valley East)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 28:1320-30; 30:1240; 33:1205-10
⇒⇒Employment insurance, 41:1210-15, 1245
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), 37:1150-200, 1230; 38:1135; 42:1220, 1250
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 24:1155; 30:1240; 36:1155
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 34:1300
Reports to House
⇒⇒First, Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), Minutes of meeting No. 9
⇒⇒Third, Employment insurance, Restoring Financial Governance and Accessibility in the Employment Insurance Program, Minutes of meeting No. 16
⇒⇒Fourth, Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), Minutes of meeting No. 18
⇒⇒Fifth, Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), Minutes of meeting No. 19
⇒⇒Sixth, Community programs funding, An Examination of New Directives Governing Contribution Agreements for Selected Programs Delivered on Behalf of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, Minutes of meeting No. 35
⇒⇒Seventh, Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), Minutes of meeting No. 38
⇒⇒Eighth, Accessibility for All, persons with disabilities, Parliamentary Precinct and federal public service, Minutes of meeting No. 40
⇒⇒Ninth, Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒Tenth, Summer Career Placements Program, Minutes of meeting No. 53
⇒⇒Eleventh, Centennial Flame Research Award Act, administration, 2004-2005 annual report, Minutes of meeting No. 54
Restoring Financial Governance and Accessibility in the Employment
Insurance Program see Employment Insurance Funds Subcommittee
Roach, Bert (Town of Kipling)
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 47:1110, 1125, 1200, 1210-15, 1240-55
Robillard, Hon. Lucienne (Lib.--Westmount--Ville-Marie; President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada and Minister of
Intergovernmental Affairs until Jan. 14, 2005; President of the Queen's
Privy Council for Canada and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and
Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development effective Jan. 14, 2005;
President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada and Minister of
Intergovernmental Affairs effective May 17, 2005)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 30:1125-35, 1145-55, 1225-40, 1250-310
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 30:1125-35, 1145-55, 1225-40, 1250-310
Robinson, David (Canadian Association of University Teachers)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 04:1115-20, 1130, 1145, 1200, 1240
Robson-Haddow, Jennifer (Social and Enterprise Development Innovations)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 05:1145, 1155, 1210
Russell, Todd Norman (Lib.--Labrador; elected in by-election May 24, 2005)
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 53:1205
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 54:1330
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 46:1210, 1230; 47:1250; 48:1145, 1200-05; 50:1110, 1120-25, 1155-200, 1245
Ryan, Dennis (Canadian Construction Association)
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 11:1230-35
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 11:1230-35
Saucier, Michael (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 22:1105-45, 1155-250; 28:1250-330; 30:1200
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 30:1200
Schwartz, Barb (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 09:1210, 1230, 1240
Scotti, Susan (Social Development Department)
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 14:1615-20
Séguin, Claude (Centre d'assistance et d'accompagnement aux plaintes)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 27:1120-25, 1145, 1205, 1235, 1245
Shillington, Richard (Tristat Resources)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 05:1120-40, 1200-05, 1215-20
Silcox, David (Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 33:1135-55
Silva, Mario (Lib.--Davenport)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 03:1135-40; 04:1230; 07:1240-45; 09:1145, 1205
⇒⇒Child care, 15:1220
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1535, 1550; 10:1220, 1230
⇒⇒Social Development Department, 08:1215-20
Simard, Christian (BQ--Beauport--Limoilou)
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 36:1125-30, 1200, 1210
Skelton, Carol (CPC--Saskatoon--Rosetown--Biggar)
⇒⇒Child care, 15:1245-50
Smith, Robert (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 46:1135-245
Social Development Department
⇒⇒Estimates, 2004-2005, Main, study, 08:1105-245
⇒⇒Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (B), study, 24:1209-300
Status of Persons with Disabilities Subcommittee
⇒⇒Establishment, Minutes of meeting No. 7
⇒⇒Report, first, Accessibility for All, persons with disabilities, Parliamentary Precinct and federal public service, study, in camera meetings, Minutes of meetings No. 39; No. 40
⇒⇒⇒Adopted, as amended, Report to House, eighth, Minutes of meeting No. 40
⇒⇒⇒Response, government, Minutes of meeting No. 45
⇒⇒Report, second, Centennial Flame Research Award Act, administration, 2005-2005 annual report, 54:1330
⇒⇒⇒Adopted, Report to House, eleventh, Minutes of meeting No. 54
Stoddart, Jennifer (Privacy Commissioner of Canada Office)
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 11:1110-200
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 11:1110-200
Strachan, Norma (Association of Service Providers for Employability and
Career Training)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 25:1210-15, 1225, 1255, 1305
Stronach, Hon. Belinda (CPC--Newmarket--Aurora;Lib.--Newmarket--Aurora effective May 17, 2005; Minister of Human Resources and
Skills Development and Minister responsible for Democratic Renewal
effective May 17, 2005)
⇒⇒Employment insurance, 41:1115-255
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 53:1110-20, 1130-35, 1145-50, 1205-20, 1230, 1240-50
Student employment see Summer Career Placements Program
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 03:1105-200; 04:1105-240; 05:1110-220; 07:1125-255; 09:1140-255
⇒⇒Canada Pension Plan/Old Age Security Review Tribunals, Philippe Rabot, Commissioner, nomination, 23:1105-45
⇒⇒Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, S. Len Hong, President, nomination, 54:1325-30
⇒⇒Child care, OECD, Early Childhood Education and Care Policy, 15:1105-300
⇒⇒Community programs funding, criteria, 22:1105-250; 25:1110-310; 26:1105-245; 27:1115-245; 28:1105-335; 30:1125-310
⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, Minutes of meetings No. 29; No. 31; No. 32; No. 33; No. 34; No. 35
⇒⇒⇒Committee report, sixth, Government response, 53:1110-255
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 10:1105-215; 11:1110-315; 17:1120-330; 18:1130-55
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 11:1110-315; 14:1525-645; 19:1105-300
⇒⇒Employment insurance, Committee report, third, Government response, 41:1100-300
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), 35:1120-200; 37:1115-300; 38:1110-205; 42:1145-315
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Funds, Subcommittee, report Restoring Financial Governance and Accessibility in he Employment Insurance Program, in camera meetings, Minutes of meetings No. 12; No. 13; No. 16
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2004-2005, Main, 06:1105-305
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (B), Labour and Housing, 24:1110-205
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2005-2006, Main, 30:1125-310; 33:1125-210; 36:1105-305
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2005-2006, Supplementary (A), 53:1110-255
⇒⇒Social Development Department
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2004-2005, Main, 08:1105-245
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (B), 24:1209-300
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 46:1115-250; 47:1110-255; 48:1115-220; 49:1110-245; 50:1110-250
⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, Minutes of meeting No. 52; No. 53
Subcommittees see Agenda and Procedure Subcommittee; Employment Insurance
Funds Subcommittee; Status of Persons with Disabilities Subcommittee
Summer Career Placements Program
⇒⇒Study, 46:1115-250; 47:1110-255; 48:1115-220; 49:1110-245; 50:1110-250
⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, Minutes of meeting No. 52; No. 53
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, tenth, Minutes of meeting No. 53
Thivierge, Marie-Josée (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 03:1105-10, 1120-25, 1135, 1145-55
Treusch, Andrew (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 10:1200-15; 17:1150
Van Loan, Peter (CPC--York--Simcoe)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 03:1140; 04:1130; 07:1225-30; 09:1150-210, 1225
⇒⇒Child care, 15:1210-20, 1300
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 22:1235-40; 28:1255-305; 30:1215, 1235-40, 1300
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 11:1210, 1305-10; 17:1145, 1155, 1210-30
⇒⇒Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 11:1210, 1305-10
⇒⇒Employment insurance, 41:1130-35, 1200-05, 1235
⇒⇒Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), 37:1235-40; 38:1150, 1205; 42:1150, 1205-10, 1220-30, 1240-45, 1300-05
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 06:1230-35; 30:1215, 1235-40, 1300; 36:1300-05; 53:1130-35, 1200-05
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 07:1120; 09:1120-40; 10:1240; 17:1110
⇒⇒Social Development Department, 08:1235; 24:1300
Vigeant, Pierre (Fédération québécoise des centres communautaires de loisir)
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 49:1110, 1130, 1140, 1150, 1205, 1220, 1230-35
Vikander, Nick (Quebec Federation of University Students)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 04:1210, 1230-35
Vincent, Robert (BQ--Shefford)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 33:1155-200
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 36:1255
Volpe, Hon. Joseph (Lib.--Eglinton--Lawrence; Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development until January 14, 2005; Minister of
Citizenship and Immigration effective Jan. 14, 2005)
⇒⇒Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 10:1105-200
⇒⇒Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 06:1210-20, 1230-305
Walliser, Debbie (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Summer Career Placements Program, 47:1115-20, 1155, 1220, 1240
White, Toby (Canadian Alliance of Student Associations)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 04:1205, 1235
Wood, Matt (Ontario Association of Youth Employment Centres)
⇒⇒Community programs funding, 26:1125-30, 1150, 1205-20, 1230-35
Wurtele, David (Finance Department)
⇒⇒Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 09:1235-40