44th Parliament, 1st Session (November 22, 2021 - January 6, 2025)

Treatment and Prevention of Cancer

Written submissions of no more than 2,000 words can be submitted to the committee. All text contained in the submission, including but not limited to graphs, quotes, images and footnotes, count towards the submission’s 2,000 word limit.

Your brief can be sent electronically to the committee using the committee’s email address HESA@parl.gc.ca, personal contact information (address, email address, phone number) should be provided in your email.

Please contact the clerk of the committee, if you require further information regarding the content of your brief, if you wish to send your brief in a format other than electronic, or if you have any further questions related to the work of the committee.

For more information on how to submit a brief, please consult the Guide for submitting briefs to House of Commons Committees.



No meetings have taken place for this study/activity.