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Petition to the Government of Canada

  • According to the health infobase on opoid and stimulant related deaths (January – September) 2023;
  • Males accounted for 72% of accidental opioid deaths, ages 20 to 59 years (88%);
  • 82% of opioid toxicity deaths involved fentanyl;
  • Most accidental opioid-related poisoning hospitalizations were males (91%), aged 30 to 39 years (24%);
  • Most opioid-related poisoning emergency department visits were males (68%) and aged 20 to 49 years (74%);
  • EMS responses included 70% males, majority aged 20 to 49 years; and
  • The ability to target demographics with advertising campaigns online and in public can be precise down to age and gender.
We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to
1. Implement a sustainable and continuous national campaign targeting those statistically most affected by the harms of the un-regulated drug supply;
2. Address the harms of using drugs alone by advertising the LIFE GUARD app, while also presenting other suggestions on how to use drugs safer such as telling someone they may know, testing substances and making sure a naloxone kit is present;
3. These advertisements should be at points of contact for men ages 30-59 such as sports broadcasting, restrooms, pubs, nightclubs, as well as on online platforms. In addition to advertising in federally regulated workplaces; and
4. The government should work with provinces to distribute campaign materials and advertisements at job sites amongst the trades.

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