Amendments to the Content of Bills / Report Stage

Motions in amendment, beyond scope of bill

Journals pp. 677-8

Debates pp. 7195-7


As the House proceeded to the report stage consideration of Bill C-8, an Act to establish a National Petroleum Company (Petro-Canada), the Speaker invited Mr. Andre (Calgary Centre) to offer an explanation which would allay the doubts of the Chair as to the procedural acceptability of two motions standing in his name. The Speaker pointed out that the effect of the two motions was to change the capital structure and character of the Crown corporation, contrary to the intent of the bill as stated in two of its clauses (3 and 5).


Are amendments at report stage which propose to alter the principle of a legislative measure procedurally acceptable?


No. They are not acceptable.

Reasons given by the Speaker

The two amendments propose a fundamental variation from the principle of the bill, which is to establish a Crown corporation. These amendments "would set up a corporation which is not a Crown corporation ... To try to introduce this new concept at the report stage of the bill seems . . . not only to fly in the face of the basic principle of the bill, but procedurally to do it at a stage which is much too late in the game".