Amendments to the Content of Bills / Report Stage

Motions in amendment, infringing on financial initiative of the Crown

Journals p. 597

Debates pp. 6407-8


As the House was proceeding to the report stage consideration of Bill C-50, an Act to amend the Agricultural Stabilization Act, the Acting Speaker (Mr. Penner) expressed concern about the procedural acceptability of three motions introduced as amendments at report stage. On the basis of his examination, he believed that the motions differed from the terms of the Royal Recommendation which accompanied the bill. Before making a final ruling, however, he was prepared to hear arguments which were made later that day.


Are amendments to a bill which vary from the terms of the Royal Recommendation acceptable?


The amendments are unacceptable and out of order.

Reasons given by the Acting Speaker

A Royal Recommendation, as explained in Beauchesne, 4th ed., "must be treated as laying down once and for all (unless withdrawn and replaced) not only the amount of a charge, but also its objects, purposes, conditions and qualifications."

These three motions differ in one way or another from the specific conditions laid out in the Royal Recommendation.

Authority cited

Beauchesne, 4th ed., p. 207, c. 246(3).


Debates, June 3, 1975, pp. 6397, 6405-6.