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The Debates are the report—transcribed, edited, and corrected—of what is said in the House. The Journals are the official record of the decisions and other transactions of the House. The Order Paper and Notice Paper contains the listing of all items that may be brought forward on a particular sitting day, and notices for upcoming items.

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No. 130

Friday, November 18, 2022

10:00 a.m.

The clerk informed the House of the unavoidable absence of the Speaker.

Whereupon, Mrs. Mendès (Brossard—Saint-Lambert), Assistant Deputy Speaker and Assistant Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole, took the chair, pursuant to Standing Order 8.

Government Orders

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Ms. Freeland (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance), seconded by Mr. Blair (President of the King’s Privy Council for Canada and Minister of Emergency Preparedness), — That Bill C-32, An Act to implement certain provisions of the fall economic statement tabled in Parliament on November 3, 2022 and certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 7, 2022, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance;

And of the amendment of Mr. Hallan (Calgary Forest Lawn), seconded by Mr. Chambers (Simcoe North), — That the motion be amended by deleting all the words after the word “That” and substituting the following:
“the House decline to give second reading to Bill C-32, An Act to implement certain provisions of the fall economic statement tabled in Parliament on November 3, 2022 and certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 7, 2022, because the bill brings in new inflationary spending that is not matched by an equivalent saving, and does not cancel planned tax hikes.”.

The debate continued.

Statements By Members

Pursuant to Standing Order 31, members made statements.

Oral Questions

Pursuant to Standing Order 30(5), the House proceeded to Oral Questions.

Daily Routine Of Business

Tabling of Documents

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(2), Mr. Lamoureux (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons) laid upon the table, — Government responses, pursuant to Standing Order 36(8), to the following petitions:

— No. 441-00736 concerning parliament and politics;

— Nos. 441-00737, 441-00738, 441-00739, 441-00741, 441-00742, 441-00743, 441-00745 and 441-00746 concerning justice;

— No. 441-00740 concerning animals;

— No. 441-00744 concerning health;

— No. 441-00747 concerning business and trade.

Presenting Petitions

Pursuant to Standing Order 36, petitions certified by the Clerk of Petitions were presented as follows:

— by Mr. Brassard (Barrie—Innisfil), one concerning employment and labour (No. 441-00848);
— by Ms. Zarrillo (Port Moody—Coquitlam), one concerning social affairs and equality (No. 441-00849);
— by Ms. May (Saanich—Gulf Islands), one concerning natural resources and energy (No. 441-00850).

Questions on the Order Paper

Mr. Lamoureux (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons) presented the answers to questions Q-846 and Q-850 on the Order Paper.

Pursuant to Standing Order 39(7), Mr. Lamoureux (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons) presented the returns to the following questions made into orders for return:

Q-845 — Mr. Tochor (Saskatoon—University) — With regard to the resumption of in-person services at Veterans Affairs Canada area offices across Canada, on an appointment-only basis, broken down by area office and by month since January 1, 2022: how many in-person visits through appointments were made by veterans and how many different veterans made such visits? — Sessional Paper No. 8555-441-845.

Q-847 — Mrs. Goodridge (Fort McMurray—Cold Lake) — With regard to the federal carbon tax or price on carbon, broken down by year, since fiscal year 2019-20: how much has been collected in the Province of Alberta (i) in total, (ii) broken down by industry? — Sessional Paper No. 8555-441-847.

Q-848 — Mr. Vis (Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon) — With regard to the Rapid Housing Initiative (RHI): (a) how many projects have been funded to date; (b) how many units do the projects in (a) represent; (c) what is the breakdown, by province or territory and by municipality of the (i) number of projects, (ii) number of units; and (d) what are the details of all RHI projects funded to date for Indigenous housing, including the (i) location, (ii) project description, (iii) number of units, (iv) expected completion date? — Sessional Paper No. 8555-441-848.

Q-849 — Mr. Richards (Banff—Airdrie) — With regard to falconry services obtained or used by the government since 2016, broken down by department or agency: (a) what are the details of all instances where the government has used falconry services, including, for each, (i) the date, (ii) the location, (iii) a summary of the situation, including reasons for using falconry, (iv) what was accomplished with falconry; (b) what are the details of all contracts related to falconry, including, for each, (i) the date, (ii) the vendor, (iii) the value, (iv) the start and end dates of the falconry services, (v) a summary of goods or services, (vi) the number of falcons covered by the contract; and (c) for each contract in (b), was it awarded through a sole-source contract or a competitive bidding process? — Sessional Paper No. 8555-441-849.
Government Orders

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Ms. Freeland (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance), seconded by Mr. Blair (President of the King’s Privy Council for Canada and Minister of Emergency Preparedness), — That Bill C-32, An Act to implement certain provisions of the fall economic statement tabled in Parliament on November 3, 2022 and certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 7, 2022, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance;

And of the amendment of Mr. Hallan (Calgary Forest Lawn), seconded by Mr. Chambers (Simcoe North), — That the motion be amended by deleting all the words after the word “That” and substituting the following:
“the House decline to give second reading to Bill C-32, An Act to implement certain provisions of the fall economic statement tabled in Parliament on November 3, 2022 and certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 7, 2022, because the bill brings in new inflationary spending that is not matched by an equivalent saving, and does not cancel planned tax hikes.”.

The debate continued.

Notices of Motions

Mr. Blair (President of the King’s Privy Council for Canada and Minister of Emergency Preparedness) gave notice of the intention to move a motion at the next sitting of the House, pursuant to Standing Order 78(3), for the purpose of allotting a specified number of days or hours for the consideration and disposal of the second reading stage of Bill C-32, An Act to implement certain provisions of the fall economic statement tabled in Parliament on November 3, 2022 and certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 7, 2022.

Government Orders

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Ms. Freeland (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance), seconded by Mr. Blair (President of the King’s Privy Council for Canada and Minister of Emergency Preparedness), — That Bill C-32, An Act to implement certain provisions of the fall economic statement tabled in Parliament on November 3, 2022 and certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 7, 2022, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance;

And of the amendment of Mr. Hallan (Calgary Forest Lawn), seconded by Mr. Chambers (Simcoe North), — That the motion be amended by deleting all the words after the word “That” and substituting the following:
“the House decline to give second reading to Bill C-32, An Act to implement certain provisions of the fall economic statement tabled in Parliament on November 3, 2022 and certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 7, 2022, because the bill brings in new inflationary spending that is not matched by an equivalent saving, and does not cancel planned tax hikes.”.

The debate continued.

Private Members' Business

At 1:30 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 30(6), the House proceeded to the consideration of Private Members' Business.

The order was read for the consideration at report stage of Bill C-228, An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act and the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985, as reported by the Standing Committee on Finance with amendments.

Ms. Gladu (Sarnia—Lambton), seconded by Mr. Epp (Chatham-Kent—Leamington), moved, — That the bill, as amended, be concurred in at report stage.

The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to.

Accordingly, the bill, as amended, was concurred in at report stage.

Pursuant to Standing Order 76.1(11), Ms. Gladu (Sarnia—Lambton), seconded by Mr. Epp (Chatham-Kent—Leamington), moved, — That the bill be now read a third time and do pass.

Debate arose thereon.

Pursuant to Standing Order 98(2), the order was dropped to the bottom of the order of precedence on the Order Paper.

Returns and Reports Deposited with the Clerk of the House

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(1), papers deposited with the Clerk of the House were laid upon the table as follows:

— by the Speaker — Report of the Parliamentary Budget Officer entitled "Supplementary Estimates (B) 2022-23", pursuant to the Parliament of Canada Act, R.S. 1985, c. P-1, sbs. 79.2(2). — Sessional Paper No. 8560-441-1119-57. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates)

— by Ms. Bibeau (Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food) — Report of the Canadian Dairy Commission for the dairy year ending July 31, 2022, together with the Auditor General's Report, pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, R.S. 1985, c. F-11, sbs. 150(1). — Sessional Paper No. 8560-441-90-02. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food)

— by Mr. Duclos (Minister of Health) — Report of the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board for the year ended December 31, 2021, pursuant to the Patent Act, R.S., 1985, c. P-4, sbs. 89(4) and 100(4). — Sessional Paper No. 8560-441-564-02. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Health)

— by Mrs. Fortier (President of the Treasury Board) — Actuarial Report (including the certification of assets) on the Pension Plan for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, as at March 31, 2021, and certificate of assets of the Pension Plan, pursuant to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act, R.S. 1985, c. R-11, s. 30. — Sessional Paper No. 8560-441-580-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates)

— by Mr. Rodriguez (Minister of Canadian Heritage) — Summary of the Corporate Plan and Budgets for 2022-23 to 2026-27 of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, pursuant to the Broadcasting Act, S.C. 1991, c. 11, sbs. 55(4). — Sessional Paper No. 8562-441-849-02. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage)
— by Mr. Rodriguez (Minister of Canadian Heritage) — Summary of the Corporate Plan and Budgets for 2022-23 to 2026-27 of the Canadian Museum of Nature, pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, R.S. 1985, c. F-11, sbs. 125(4). — Sessional Paper No. 8562-441-856-02. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage)
— by Mr. Rodriguez (Minister of Canadian Heritage) — Summary of the Corporate Plan and Budgets for 2022-23 to 2026-27 of the National Museum of Science and Technology, pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, R.S. 1985, c. F-11, sbs. 125(4). — Sessional Paper No. 8562-441-857-02. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage)
— by Mr. Rodriguez (Minister of Canadian Heritage) — Summary of the Corporate Plan and Budgets for 2022-23 to 2026-27 of the Canadian Museum of History, pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, R.S. 1985, c. F-11, sbs. 125(4). — Sessional Paper No. 8562-441-858-02. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage)
— by Mr. Rodriguez (Minister of Canadian Heritage) — Summary of the Corporate Plan and Budgets for 2022-23 to 2026-27 of the National Gallery of Canada, pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, R.S. 1985, c. F-11, sbs. 125(4). — Sessional Paper No. 8562-441-859-02. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage)
— by Mr. Rodriguez (Minister of Canadian Heritage) — Summary of the Corporate Plan and Budgets for 2022-23 to 2026-27 of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, R.S. 1985, c. F-11, sbs. 125(4). — Sessional Paper No. 8562-441-867-02. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage)
— by Mr. Rodriguez (Minister of Canadian Heritage) — Summary of the Corporate Plan and Budgets for 2022-23 to 2026-27 of the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21, pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, R.S. 1985, c. F-11, sbs. 125(4). — Sessional Paper No. 8562-441-869-02. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage)

At 2:31 p.m., the Assistant Deputy Speaker adjourned the House until Monday at 11:00 a.m., pursuant to Standing Order 24(1).