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ENVI Committee Meeting

Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.

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Minutes of Proceedings

44th Parliament, 1st Session
Meeting 62
Thursday, May 4, 2023, 3:42 p.m. to 5:25 p.m.
In Camera
Francis Scarpaleggia, Chair (Liberal)

Library of Parliament
• Alison Clegg, Analyst
• Sarah Yakobowski, Analyst
The committee proceeded to the consideration of matters related to committee business.

It was agreed, — That the Sixth Report from the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure, which read as follows, be concurred in:

Your subcommittee met on Monday, May 1, 2023, to consider the business of the committee and agreed to make the following recommendations:

  1. That the meeting on Thursday, May 4, 2023, be targeted to the review of the report on fossil fuel subsidies and that the committee members submit their recommendations by Friday, May 5, 2023.
  2. That the meeting on Monday, May 8, 2023, be targeted to the review of the recommendations of the report on fossil fuel subsidies.
  3. That the meetings on Thursday, May 11, 2023, and Monday, May 15, 2023, be dedicated to the review of the report on clean technologies in Canada and that the committee members submit their recommendations by Thursday, May 11, 2023.
  4. That the meeting on Thursday, May 18, 2023, be dedicated to the review of the recommendations of the report on clean technologies in Canada.
  5. That the Office of the Auditor General and government officials be invited to discuss the performance audit reports tabled in April 2023.
  6. That the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change and the Net-Zero Advisory Board be invited to discuss the 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the motion adopted by the committee on Thursday, February 3, 2022, the committee resumed its study of fossil fuel subsidies.

The committee resumed consideration of a draft report.

It was agreed, — That the committee proceed to sit in public.

At 4:11 p.m., the sitting was suspended.

At 4:17 p.m., the sitting resumed in public.


Taylor Bachrach moved, — That the body of the draft report on fossil fuel subsidies be hereby adopted in full, and that the committee proceed to the consideration of the recommendations.

Debate arose thereon.

At 4:31 p.m., the sitting was suspended.

At 4:36 p.m., the sitting resumed.

The debate continued.

At 5:08 p.m., the sitting was suspended.

At 5:11 p.m., the sitting resumed.

The debate continued.


Monique Pauzé moved, — That the motion be amended by adding after the word “full” the following: “no later than on 1:00 p.m. on Monday, May 8, 2023,”.

Debate arose thereon.

The question was put on the amendment of Monique Pauzé and it was agreed to on the following recorded division:

YEAS: Taylor Bachrach, Terry Duguid, Lloyd Longfield, Monique Pauzé, Leah Taylor Roy, Ryan Turnbull, Patrick Weiler — 7;

NAYS: Gérard Deltell, Damien C. Kurek, Mike Lake, Greg McLean — 4.

After debate, the question was put on the motion, as amended, and it was agreed to on the following recorded division:

YEAS: Taylor Bachrach, Terry Duguid, Lloyd Longfield, Monique Pauzé, Leah Taylor Roy, Ryan Turnbull, Patrick Weiler — 7;

NAYS: Gérard Deltell, Damien C. Kurek, Mike Lake, Greg McLean — 4.

The motion, as amended, read as follows:

That the body of the report on fossil fuel subsidies be hereby adopted in full no later than on Monday, May 8, 2023, at 1:00 p.m.; and that the committee proceed to the consideration of the recommendations.

At 5:25 p.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.

Natalie Jeanneault
Clerk of the committee