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To ensure the orderly flow of business, the House of Commons observes parliamentary rules and traditions, both written and unwritten. It is the Speaker's duty to interpret these rules impartially, to maintain order, and to defend the rights and privileges of Members.

As required, the Speaker makes formal decisions or rulings on the procedural acceptability of specific matters before the House and about questions of parliamentary privilege. Unless otherwise specified, Speaker’s rulings serve as precedent to govern future proceedings. Speaker’s rulings are typically made by the Speaker, but they may occasionally be made by other Presiding Officers.

You will find on this page the rulings of the current Speaker of the House of Commons. Selected rulings of former Speakers can be found on ProceduralInfo.

44th Parliament, 1st Session

Statement on the prevention of acoustic incidents
September 16, 2024

Statement on premature publishing of the conclusions of a Speaker's ruling on social media
June 17, 2024

Question of privilege concerning editorial changes to the Debates of June 4, 2024
June 17, 2024

Question of privilege concerning an alleged breach of the Deputy Speaker's impartiality
June 11, 2024

Point of order concerning unparliamentary language during Oral Questions on May 30, 2024
June 11, 2024

Statement on the status of Bill C-323, An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act (mental health services)
June 7, 2024

Question of privilege concerning the government response to Q-2221
June 3, 2024

Question of privilege concerning the content of the Debates of April 30, 2024
May 30, 2024

Statement concerning the application of Standing Order 69.1 to the third reading stage of Bill C-59, Fall Economic Statement Implementation Act, 2023
May 21, 2024

Question of privilege concerning cyber-attacks targeting members of Parliament by a foreign state-backed group known as Advanced Persistent Threat 31
May 8, 2024

Point of order concerning the use of false titles
May 7, 2024

Question of privilege concerning allegedly misleading statements made by the Minister of National Defence
May 2, 2024

Question of privilege concerning the government response to Q-2340
April 30, 2024

Question of privilege concerning the premature disclosure of financial initiatives prior to the Budget Speech
April 18, 2024

Appearance of Kristian Firth at the bar of the House: statement and admonestation
April 17, 2024

Question of privilege concerning the presentation of an amendment to a motion in one language only
April 15, 2024

Question of privilege concerning the alleged premature disclosure of Bill C-63
April 11, 2024

Ruling on Report Stage of Bill C-50, Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act
April 11, 2024

Statement informing the House of the Speaker's recusal from a question of privilege
April 9, 2024

Question of privilege concerning the 17th report of the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates
March 22, 2024

Point of order and question of privilege concerning government responses to written questions
February 29, 2024

Question of privilege concerning allegedly misleading statements made in the House by the Prime Minister and the Minister of Environment and Climate Change
February 26, 2024

Statement on order and decorum in the House
February 26, 2024

Point of order concerning amendments made in committee to Bill C-318, An Act to amend the Employment Insurance Act and the Canada Labour Code (adoptive and intended parents)
February 26, 2024

Question of privilege concerning allegedly misleading statements made by the Prime Minister about invitations during the visit to Canada of the President of Ukraine
February 15, 2024

Point of order concerning the admissibility of the amendment to Government Business No. 34
February 13, 2024

Question of privilege concerning the proceedings in the Standing Committee on Natural Resources and the application of Standing Order 116(2)
February 5, 2024

Point of order concerning the requirement for a royal recommendation for Bill C-356, Building Homes Not Bureaucracy Act
February 1, 2024

Point of order concerning the requirement for a royal recommendation for Bill C-353, Foreign Hostage Takers Accountability Act
February 1, 2024

Statement to address the points of order raised regarding the nature of interventions during “Presenting Petitions”
January 30, 2024

Point of order concerning the application of Standing Order 18 in reference to votes in the House
January 30, 2024

Point of order concerning the application of Standing Order 69.1 to Bill C-59, Fall Economic Statement Implementation Act, 2023
January 30, 2024